gurU goibMd isMG jI mhwrwj ny ijQy iek mhwn Kwlsw pMQ dI swjxw AMimRq nwl sMNcwr
ky kIqI auQy SUrvIrW ivc bIr rs Brn leI gurU jI ny AwpxIAW AdBuq bwxIAW dw sMgRih
ricAw [ dsm gRMQ ivc auhnW dI AwpxI svY jIvnI qoN ielwvw hor AnykW hI bwxIAW hn
jo iek swihq dy pWDI nUM iek aucy Aqy s`ucy mwrg dw rUhwnI drSn krwauNdIAW hn
[ ienHW bwxIAW ivc cMfI cir`qR Aqy cMfI dI vwr dw iek Bwg hY, ijs ivc durgw dI
kQw dw vrnx kIqw igAw hY [ ieh kQw mwrkMfyX purwx ivcoN gurU jI ny leI hY Aqy
ies dw suqMqR Anuvwd mnohr rcnw ivc kIqw hY, XQw:- "gRMQ sqsXw ko krXo"
Aqy "sqsY kI kQw ieh pUrI BeI hY" (cMfI cirqR 1) qQw "durgw pwT
bxwieAw sBY pauVIAW" (cMfI dI vwr) [ BwvyN
cMfI cirqR ihMdI kwvX ivc bhuq mh`qqw rKdw hY, pr cMfI dI vwr dI pMjwbI rcnw aus
qoN vI AdBu`q hY [ ies rcnW dw nwm keI jgHw "vwr BgauqI jI" jW "vwr
durgw kI" vI AwauNdw hY [ Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj,
where as he laid the foundation of the majestic Khalsa Panth, authored portentous
'Banis' so as infuse the spirit of audacity into his Sikhs. The Dasam Granth contains,
beside his autobiography, many other 'banis', which are a source of academic and
spiritual importance to a scholar and a spiritualist. "Chandi-di-Var"
is one such 'bani' which relates the story of Goddess Durga as narrated in the
'Markanday Puran', and is also known as "Durga Saptashti". This
'bani' is one of the few 'banis' of Guru Gobind Singh Ji that is rendered in Panjabi,
the other relative 'banis' such as 'Chandi Charitra 1 & 2' are in Braj/Sanskrit.
Another name of this 'bani' is 'Vaar Bhagauti Ji' or 'Vaar Durga ki.' cMfI
dI vwr Chandi-di-Vaar
< vwihguRrU
jI kI Pqh [ ie`k (AduqI) E AMkwr (rKXw krn vwlw) vwihgurU (Akwl purK) dI jY
hovy [ The One (and only) Saviour - Unique Lord - Victory to thee. sRI
BgauqI jI shwie [ sRI BgOqI (Akwl purK dI AnMq qy AwsIm SkqI, inrxw vyKo 'augRdMqI'
dy anuvwd ivc- "BgOqI") dI shwieqw hovy [ Invocation to Sri
Bhagauti (the eternal & infinite power of God) for assistance. (See detailed
description in translation of Uggardanti -'Bhagauti' ). vwr
sRI BgauqI jI kI, pwqswhI 10 [ sRI BgOqI jI dI vwr (Xu`D kQw), jo sRI gurU
goibMd isMG jI pw 10. dI rcnw hY [ The battle account of Sri Bhagauti
by the tenth Master (Guru Gobind Singh Ji) 1.
pauVI ] (Pauri - a type of poetry)
ipRQm BgOqI ismirkY, gur nwnk leI iDAwie [ pihlW BgOqI (SkqI) nUM
ArwD idAW gurU nwnk ny ausy dw iDAwn DirAw (iDAwieAw)[ In the beginning
Guru Nanak paid reverence, and then contemplated on Bhagauti (the supreme power).
iPir AMgd gur qy Amrdws rwmdwsY hoeI shweI
[ ies qoN ipCoN (ieho SkqI)gurU AMgd dyv jI, gurU Amr dws jI Aqy gurU rwm dws
jI dI shweI hoeI [ Then (this supreme power Bhagauti) assisted Guru
Angad, Guru Amar Das and Guru Ram Das. Arjn
hirgoibMd nU ismrO sRI hir rwie [ gurU Arjn dyv, gurU hrgoibMd jI Aqy sRI hir
rwie jI ny vI (iesdw) ismrn kIqw [ Guru Arjan, Guru Hargobind and Guru
Har Rai also revered (worshipped) [the supreme power Bhagauti] sRI
hrikRSn iDAweIAY ijsu ifTy sB duK jwie [ sRI hrikRSn jI dy iDAwaux nwl Aqy
(SkqI) dy drSn kIiqAw swry du`K dUr ho gey[ Sri Harkrishan Ji contemplated
on the power whose mere glimpse eliminated all ailments (of physical and spiritual
nature). qyg bhwdr ismrIAY Gir nau iniD
AwvY Dwie [ gurU qyg bhwdr jI dy (BgOqI dw) ismrn krn nwl, Awp dy Gr nON inDW
dI pRwpqI ho geI [ By the reverence (of the power) Guru Teg Bahadur's
home was teeming with the nine treasures. sB
QweI hoie shwie [ sB QweIN Awp dI (BgOqI SkqI dI) shwieqw hoeI [ You
(Bhagauti Shakti) assisted everywhere. 2.
pauVI ] KMfw ipRQmY swijkY ijin sB sYswru aupwieAw
[ Akwl purK pRBU ny sB qoN pihlW KMfw (mhW mwXw XW BgOqI SkqI) nUM ricAw, ijsny
ies sMswr nUM pYdw kIqw hY [(BweI kwHn isMG jI ies SkqI nUM mhWmwXw dw nwm idMdy
hn, fw. kwlw isMG bydI Xog mwXw AwKdy hn, pMifq nrYx isMG jI mwXw AwKdy hn - iqMno
hI ivdvwn mwXw nUM puilMg hI smJI bYTy hn, jdik mwXw Xw SkqI iesqRI ilMg hY [
BwvyN Akwl purK dI SkqI Akwl purK qoN v`K nhIN iPr BI ijs sMDrB ivc gurU jI iesdw
izkr krdy hn auh iek iesqRI ilMg ivc hI hY - ieQy ieh SkqI koeI dyvI dw rUp nhIN
blky Akwl purK vwihgurU dw byAMq nUr hY [ gurU jI ny pRBU Akwl purK dy guxw dw
ibAWn hI ies mhW SkqI, jo AnMq Aqy AwsIm hY, dI mnohr aupmW krky kIqw hY [ Akwl
purK dI mwXw (SkqI) hI swrI kwXnwq ivc ivcrdI hoeI swry kudrqI Aqy AlOikk kwrj
inBwauNdI hY - jo AglIAW qukW qoN sp`St ho jWdw hY) The Almighty Lord,
in the beginning, generated (Khanda) Maha Maya or Bhagauti, the Supreme Power,
which then created the Universe. (Bhai Kahn Singh names this power as 'Maha Maya',
Dr. Kala Singh Bedi 'Yog Maya' and Pandit Narain Singh 'Maya' - but all of these
scholars consider 'Maya' as masculine gender, which in fact is a feminine gender.
Although the 'Power' of the Lord and the Almighty Lord are not different, Guru
Ji has glorified the Lord through His eternal supreme Power "Bhagauti"-
which is not meant to be some form of a deity but it is the eternal and infinite
Supreme Power of the Almighty prevalent in the universe. The Supreme Power of
the Lord is responsible for all the natural and phenomenal activities performed
in the universe. It is apparent from the following chapters). bRhmw
ibsnu mhys swij kudrqI dw Kylu rcwie bxwieAw [ ies mhW SkqI (BgOqI) ny bRhmw,
ivSnUM Aqy iSv nUM swj ky kudrq dI ieh Kyf suMdrqw nwl zhUr ivc ilAWdw [ This
Supreme Godly Power having created the deities Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, created
the nature in its most stupendous presentation. isMDu
prbq myidnI ibnu QMmw ggnu rhwieAw [ smuMdr, phwV, ipRQvI rcy Aqy AkwS nUM
ibnW iksy Awsry TihrwieAw [ (This Power) created the oceans, mountains,
earth and the sky that stands unsustained by any supporting pillars. isrjy
dwno dyvqy iqn AMdir bwdu rcwieAw [ (iesy SkqI ny) dYNq Aqy dyvqy rcky aunHW
AMdr JgVw auqpMn kIqw [ (This power) created both the demons and the
demi-gods and then contrived disputation between them. qY
hI durgw swijkY dYqw dw nwsu krwieAw [ qYN (SkqI ny) hI durgw nUM bxwky dYNqW
dw nwS krvwieAw [ You (the Godly Power) also created Durga so as to
destroy the demons. qYQoN hI blu rwm lY
nwil bwxw dhisru GwieAw [ qyry koloN hI rwm cMdR ny bl lYky qIrW nwl ds isrW
vwly rwvx nUM mwirAw[ (Lord) Rama acquired the strength from you with
which he killed the ten-headed Ravana, with his arrows. qYQON
hI blu ikRsn lY kMs kysI pkiV igrwieAw [ qYQoN hI ikRSn ny qwkq lYky kMs nUM
kysW qoN PVky pCwiVAw [ (Lord) Krishna acquired the strength from you
to destroy Kans by holding his hair and throwing him.. bfy
bfy muin dyvqy keI jug iqnI qnu qwieAw [ vfy vfy muin Aqy dyviqAW ny keI Xug
qp`isAw kr krky srIr nUM kSt idqw [ Many great ascetics and demi-gods
endeavoured arduous austerities during many aeons. iknI
qyrw AMq n pwieAw [ pr (hy BgOqI), iksy ny qyrw AMq nhIN pwieAw [ But
none could comprehend thee (O Supreme Power Bhagauti). 3.
pauVI ] swDU siqjugu bIiqAw AdsIlI qRyqw AwieAw [ au`qm sMq suBw vwlw siqjug
bIq igAw Aqy ADoSIl (ADo=nIvW , SIl=Drm vwlw) qRyqw AwieAw [ The saintly
Satyuga (aeon of nobility and truth) went by and came about Treta when nobility
was practised only in half. n`cI kl srosrI kl
nwrd faurU vwieAw [ kwlI hryk dy idmwg ivc n`cx lgI, ArQwq lVweI iBVweI dy
iKAwl pYdw hoey, Aqy nwrd ny ies nwc nUM qyz krn leI fOrU vjwieAw [ The
minds of all were polluted by polemic thoughts and the drum of Narada gave fuel
to the fire. ABmwn auqwrn dyviqAW mihKwsur
suMf aupwieAw, dyviqAW dy hMkwr nUM imtwaux leI, (Joty) mihKwsur ny hwQI dw
rUp Dwrn kIqw [ (mihKwsur, mYNhy dy rUp vwlw sI pr ies ivc keI rUp bdlx dI SkqI
sI - ieQy iesny dyvI nwl XuD krn leI hwQI dw rUp Dwrn kIqw) [ keI jgHw pwT 'suMB'
AwauMdw hY Aqy ausdw ArQ keIAW ny mihKwsur Aqy suMB vl ieSwrw kIqw hY, pr jy ies
qrWH huMdw qW pUrw pwT 'aupwieAw' qy nhIN blky 'aupwey' (bhuvcn) nwl Kqm hoxw
cwhIdw sI [ To obliterate the conceit of the gods, Mehkhasur transformed
himself into an elephant ( Although Mehkhasur was a Bull, he had the power to
transform into many forms such as tiger, human warrior or his natural form of
Bull. Here he changes his form to an elephant to fight the Chandi Devi).
jIq ley iqn dyvqy iqh lokI rwju kmwieAw, aus
(mihKwsur) ny dyvqyAW nUM ij`q ilAw Aqy Awpxw rwj iqMnW lokW ivc kwiem kr ilAw
[ He (Mehkhasur) conquered the demi-gods and declared sovereignty in
the three worlds (earth, heaven and the nether world) v`fw
bIru AKwiekY israupir CquRRR iPrwieAw, AwpxyN qWeI iek bIr sUrmW AKvwky, Awpxy
isr aupr rwj dw icMnH CqR JulvwieAw [ He proclaimed himself a great
warrior and had the umbrella of monarchy swayed on him. id`qw
ieMdR inkwlkY iqn igir kYlwsu qkwieAw, svrg purI qoN ieMdr k`F idqw, jo kYlwS
prbq auqy Awsry leI AwieAw [ (Lord) Indra was banished from his capitol
(Inderlok-Heaven), and he made towards the Kailash Mountain in search of support. firkY
h`QoN dwnvI idl AMdir qRwsu vDwieAw, dYNqW dy h`QoNN frky, idl ivc du`K (qRws)
bhq kIqw [ Indra, apprehensive of the demons was highly stricken with
grief. pws durgw dy ieMdr AwieAw [ Awpxw
d`uK rox leI ieMdr durgw dI Srn ivc AwieAw [ He approached Durga (to
seek her help). 4. pauVI ] iek idhwVy
nwvx AweI durgSwh, iek idn durgw ndI aupr ieSnwn krn leI AweI [ One
day Durga came for her bath (in the river). ieMdr
ibRQw suxweI Awpxy hwl dI, (mOkw pw ky) ieMdr ny AwpxI swrI duK BrI khwxI suxweI
[ (Sensing the situation) Indra narrated his tale of plight CIn
leI TkurweI swqy dwnvI, swfy pwsoN dYNqW ny rwj Koh ilAw hY [ The
demons have usurped our kingdom. lokI iqhI
iPrweI dohI AwpxI, dYNqW ny iqMnW lokW ivc Awpxy hukm dw FMforw Pyr idqw hY
[ The demons have proclaimed their rule in all the three worlds. bYTy
vwie vDweI qy AmrwvqI, AmrwvqI (dyvpurI) ivc vDweI dy vwjy vjwky bYT gey hn
[ They have taken over Amravati (Capital of Heaven) and are celebrating
the victory. id`qy dyv BjweI sBnw rwksW, swry
rwKSW ny dyviqAW nUM Bjw idqw hY [ These demons have forced the demi-gods
to run in plight. iknY n ij`qw jweI mihKy
dYq nU, koeI vI mihKwsur dYNq nUM nhIN ijq sikAw [ No one could defeat
Mehkhasur the demon. qyrI swm qkweI dyvI
durgSwh ! inrwS ho ky dyviqAW ny hy mhwrwnI durgw ! qyrI Srn q`kI hY [ The
discouraged (and saddened) demi-gods approach Empress Durga and plead for her
protection. 5.pauVI ] durgw bYx suxMdI
h`sI hVhVwie, ieMdr dy bcn sux ky durgw iKV iKVw ky h`s peI [ Having
listened to Indra, Durga laughed boisterously. EhI
sIhu mMgwieAw, rwks B`Kxw, rwKS Kwx vwlw Syr durgw ny mMgwieAw (AwpxI svwrI
leI)[ Durga sent for her demon-devouring lion (for her ride). 'icMqw
krhu n kweI' dyvW nUM AwiKAw, dyviqAW nUM AwiKAw 'qusIN iPkr nw kro' [ "Do
not worry!" She assured the demi-gods. roh
hoeI mhmweI rwks mwrxy [ rwKSW nUM mwrn leI durgw kRoD ivc Aw geI [ To
destroy the demons Durga flew into rage. 6.
dohrw rwKs Awey rohly Kyq iBVn ky cwie, (durgw dI cVwHeI vyKky) rwKS vI
kRoD ivc, mYdwny jMg ivc cwE nwl Awey [ The enraged demons also ardently
came into the battlefield. Lskn qygW brCIAW
sUrju ndir n pwie [ qlvwrW Aqy brCIAW dI cmk AYsI hY ik sUrj BI nzr nhIN AauNdw
[ The lustre of the swords and spears is so dazzling that it blocks
the visibility of the sun. 7.pauVI ] duhW
kMDwrw muh juVy Fol sMK ngwry v`jy, dohW iDrW dIAW PojW Awmo swhmxy hoeIAW
Aqy Fol, sMK Aqy ngwry v`j auTy [ Both the armies faced each other and
the drums were beaten and the conch blown. rwks
Awey rohly qrvwrI bKqr s`jy, kv`c pihny hoey joSIly rwkS qlvwrW lY ky mukwbly
ivc Awey [ The fervent demons, wearing armour and armed with swords
came forward. ju`ty sauhyN ju`D nUM ieik
jwq n jwxn B`jy, XoDy swhmxy hoky Xu`D krn ivc ju`t gey, iehnW ivc ieho jhy
XoDy vI hn jyhVy B`jx leI jMmy hI nhIN Aqy nW hI aunHW nUM Bjxw AwauNdw hY [ The
warriors who now plunged into the battle were so brave that they knew not of fleeing. Kyq
AMdir joDy g`jy [ rx BUmI ivc XoDy (Syr vWg) g`jy [ The warriors
roared (like lions) in the battlefield. 8.
pauVI ] jMg muswPw b`ijAw rx Gury ngwry cwvly, (pihloN) mukwblw krn dw ibgl
vijAw Aqy (ipCoN) auqSwh-jnk ngwry vjx l`g pey [ Clarion-call was given
and then the (battle invigorating) war drums were beaten. JUln
nyjy bYrkW nIswx lsin lswvly, nyyizAW aupr bDIAW JMfIAW Jul rhIAW hn Aqy cmkIly
inSwn (JMfy) vI bVI Swn nwl cmk rhy hn [ The lances with their small
flags fluttered and the banners were majestically brilliant. Fol
ngwry pauxdy aUGn jwx jtwvly, Fol Aqy ngwry AjyhI gUMj=Avwz idMdy hn (ijsnUM
sux ky) sUrmy Syr vWgUM bukdy hn [ The sound of the drums made the warriors
roar like lions. durgw dwno fhy rx nwd v`jn
Kyq BIhwvly, durgw Aqy dYNq jMg ivc ju`t gey hn, Aqy mYdwn ivc iBAwnk Sor
krn vwly vwjy vjdy hn [ Durga and the demons got engrossed in the battle
amidst the deafening noise of the musical instruments bIr
proqy brCIeyN jxu fwl cmu`ty Awvly, (durgw ny) brCI ivc sUrimAW nUM ieauN pro
ilAw ijvyN fwlI qy Aauly l`gy hox [ (Durga) pierced the demons with
her spear who look like myrobalans hanging from a branch of a tree. ieik
v`Fy qygIN qVPn md pIqy lotin bwvly, keI qlvwrW dy v`Fy ieauN qVPdy hn, mwno
SrwbI nSy ivc pwgl ho, DrqI qy lot pot ho rhy hox [ Some, who have
been slayed by swords, writhe like drunkards on the ground. ieik
cuix cuix JwVau kFIAn ryq ivcoN suienw fwvly, keIAW nUM JwVIAW ivcoN cux cux
ky (durgw ny) ieMJ kiFAw ijvyN inAwrIAw ryq ivcoN sony nUM kF lYNdw hY [ Durga
pulls out the ones hiding in the bushes like a prospector extracting gold from
the sand. gdw iqRsUlw brCIAW qIr vgn Kry
auqwvly, gdw, iqRsUlW, brCIAW dy pRhwr huMdy hn, Aqy qyzI nwl qIr cldy hn [ Maces,
tridents, spears are lunged and arrows are released consecutively. jx
fsy BujMgm swvly, mwno kwly s`pW dy f`sy hoey [ As if the black
snakes (cobras) have bitten (them). mr jwvn
bIr ruhwvly [ joSIly sUrmy mr jWdy hn, (Bwv=qIr spW vWg jwn lYNdy hn) The
brave warriors lose their lives (e.g. the arrows kill the demons as if killed
by snakebites.) 9. pauVI ] dyKn cMf pRcMf
nUM rx Gury ngwry, joS-BrpUr cMfI nUM dyKidAW hI rx ivc ngwry gUMj auTy [ Seeing
the powerful (and frightening) Durga the drums resounded in the battlefield. Dwey
rwks rohly cauigrdoN Bwry, gusy nwl lwl pIly k`dwvr rwkS cwry pwisEN h`lw krky
pey [ The enraged brave demons attacked her from all four sides. hQIN
qygW pkiVkY rx iBVy krwry, h`QW ivc qlvwrW lY ky bVI sKq lVweI lV rhy hn [ Armed
with swords they are fighting very valiantly. kdy
n n`Ty ju`D qy joDy ju`Jwry, ju`D krn ivc inpuMn, ieh joDy jo kdy jMg qoN n`Ty
nhIN [ These warriors are proficient in armed conflict and do not flee
from the battlefield. idl ivc roh bFwiekY
mwr! mwr! pukwry, idl ivc kRoD vDwky, mwro! mwro! Sbd pukwrn lgy [ With
their hearts brimming with wrath, they cry out, " kill ! kill !." mwry
cMf pRcMf nY bIr Kyq auqwry, pRcMf (qyjvwn) cMfI ny mwrky XoiDAW nUM jMgy mYdwn
ivc iltw idqw [ The powerful Durga killed the warriors and laid them
on the battlefield. mwry jwpn ibjulI isr
Bwr munwry [ (DrqI aupr ifgy hoey sUrmy) ieMj jwpdy hn, ijvyN ibjlI dy mwry
aucy munwry isr prny ifg pey hox [ These dead warriors look like fallen
tall minarets stricken by lightening. 10.
pauVI ] cot peI dmwmy dlW mukwblw, ngwry qy cot peI Aqy POjW mukwbly leI
ft geIAW [ The war drums are sounded and the armies are locked in battle. dyvI
dsq ncweI sIhx swr dI, dyvI ny lohy dI SyrxI (qlvwr) h`Q ivc (ncweI) PurqI
nwl GumweI [ With great agility Durga wielded her invincible sword. pyt
mlMdy lweI mihKy dYNq nUM, bkvws krdy (mlMdy) mihKwsur dYNq dy pyt ivc qlvwr
mwrI [ She thrust the sword into the belly of the foul-mouthed Mehkhasur. gurdy
AWdw KweI nwly r`ukVy, (qlvwr ieqny zor nwl l`gI) jo gurdy, AwdrW Aqy pslIAW
(ru`kVy) nUM KWdI Aqy qoVdI (dUjy pwsy jw inklI) [ The sword (struck
with such intensity) pierced the rib cage, intestines and the liver and came out
the other end. jyhI idl ivc AweI khI suxwiekY, ies
qlvwr dI aupmW jyhI myry (gurU goibMd isMG jI) idl ivc AweI hY so mYN ausy qrWH
suxweI hY [ I have managed to praise the wonder of this sword as it
occurred to me (Guru Gobind Singh Ji) cotI
jwxu idKweI qwry Dumkyqu [ ieh qlvwr nhIN, mwno DUmkyq qwry ny AwpxI cmkIlI
bodI ivKweI hY [ That this is no sword but a comet showing off its glistening
tail. 11. pauVI ] cotW pvn ngwry AxIAW j`utIAW, ngwry
v`j rhy hn, POjW ju`t peIAW hn [ The drums are beating and the armies
are locked in battle. DUh leIAW qrvwrI dyvW
dwnvI, dyviqAW Aqy dYNqW ny imAwno qlvwrW DUh leIAW hn [ The demi-gods
and the demons have unsheathed their swords. vwhn
vwro vwrI sUry sMGry, sMGr (jMg) ivc sUrmy vwro vwrI qlvwrW clwauNdy hn [ In
the battlefield the warriors are striking in turn with their swords. vgY
rq JulwrI ijauN gyrU bwbqRw, lhU dy pRnwly ieMj (rwKSW dy srIrW ivcoN) vg rhy
hn, mwno phwV auproN gyrU rMg dw pwxI ifg irhw hY [ Blood flowing from
the demons appears as if red water is falling off a mountain. dyKn
bYT AtwrI nwrI rwksW. rwKsW dIAW iesqRIAW AtwrIAW qy bYTky jMg dyK rhIAW hn
[ The women folk of the demons are watching the battle from high mansions. pweI
DUm svwrI durgw dwnvI [ rx ivc durgw Aqy dYNqW dIAW svwrIAW (rQW, GoiVAW Awid)
ny Sor mcwieAw hoieAw hY [ The rides of Durga and the demons (lion,
horses, elephants etc.) are creating havoc in the battlefield. 12.
pauVI ] l`K ngwry v`jn AwmHo swmHxy, mukwbly ivc l`KW hI ngwry v`j rhy hn
[ Millions of drums continuously beat at the confrontation (of both
armies) rwks rxo n B`jn rohy rohly, joSIly
rwkS kRoD ivc Awey jMg qoN pYr ipCy nhIN htwauNdy [ The excited demons
in their frenzy have no intention of fleeing from the battlefield. sIhW
vWgU gjn s`By sUrmy, swry sUrmy SyrW vWg g`jdy hn [ All the warriors
roar like lions. qix qix kYbr C`fn durgw
swmHxy [ iK`c iK`c ky dyvI vl qIr Cfdy hn [ (The demons) stretch
their bows fully and shoot the arrows at Durga. 13.pauVI
] Gury ngwry dohry rx sMglIAwly, rx-BUmI ivc dohry zMjIrdwr ngwry v`jy [ The
double-chained drums resounded in the battlefield. DUiV
lpyty DUhry isrdwr jtwly, jtw-jUt dYNq srdwr G`ty (DUV) ivc lpyty hoey hn [ The
demon chiefs with matted hair are engulfed in dust. auKlIAW
nwsW ijnw muh jwpn Awly, ienHW dYNqW dIAW nwsW auKlIAW vWg Aqy mUMHh AwilAW
vrgy hn (iBAwnk SklW hn) [ These demons whose nostrils are wider than
niches and mouths like pits. Dwey dyvI swmxy
bIr mu`ClIAwly, auh vfIAW vfIAW mu`CW vwly sUrmy dyvI dy snmuK Bjdy hoey Awey
[ With large moustaches these warriors came running towards the goddess. surpiq
jyhy lV hty bIr tly n twly, ieMdr jyhy sUrmy ijnHW nwl lV ky Qk gey, pr auh
iksy dy htwey jMg ivcoN nhIN hty [ Brave warriors like Lord Indra, got
tired fighting them but could not subdue them. g`jy
durgw GyirkY jxu GxIAr kwly [ dyvI nUM cwroN pwisEN Gyrky ieauN g`jy, jwxIEN
kwly b`dl hn [ They surrounded Durga from all four sides thundering
like dark clouds. 14.pauVI ] cot peI
KrcwmI dlW mukwblw, Koqy dI K`l nwl mVHy DONisAW aupr cot peI, dovyN PojW mukwbly
leI ju`t peIAW [ Drums made up of donkey skin, were beaten and both
armies commenced the battle. Gyr leI virAwmI
durgw AwiekY, bhwdurW ny cwroN pwsoN durgw nUM Gyr ilAw [ Brave warriors
encircled the goddess Durga. rwks vfy AlwmI
B`j n jwxdy, vfy hoiSAwr rwkS n`Txw jwxdy hI nhIN [ Accomplished
demon warriors do not know how to flee (from the battlefield). AMq
hoey surgwmI mwry dyvqW [ dyviqAW dy mwry AMq nUM surg ivc jw pujy [ (The
demons) dying at the hands of the gods, ascended to heaven. 15.
pauVI ] Agixq Gury ngwry dlW iBVMidAW, POjW dw ByV hox pur bySumwr ngwry
v`jy [ At the clash of the armies, innumerable drums sounded. pwey
mihKl Bwry dyvW dwnvW, dyviqAW qy dYNqW ivckwr JoitAW dy KOrU vrgw XuD mc igAw
[ The demi-gods and the demons fought like crazy buffaloes. vwhn
P`t krwry rwks rohly, gu`sy nwl Bry rwkS krVI-mwr mwr rhy hn[ The
furious demons are causing heavy casualties. jwpn
qygI Awry imAwno DUhIAW, imAwnW ivcoN k`FIAW qlvwrW mwno Awry hn [ The
unsheathed swords appear like large saws. joDy
vfy munwry jwpn Kyq ivic, jMg ivc joDy munwirAW jyhy idKweI idMdy hn [ In
the battlefield the huge bodies of the warriors look like tall columns. dyvI
Awp svwry pbW jvyhxy, p`bW (phwVW) jyhy dYNq dyvI ny Kud mYdwn AMdr svwry (sulw
idqy) [ The goddess Durga herself lay to ground the mountain-like demons.
kdy n AwKn, 'hwry', Dwvn swmHxy, jo
kdy vI nhIN AwKdy sn ik 'AsIN hwry', ieh sUrmy vD-vD ky dyvI swhmxy AwauNdy hn
[ These warriors who never accepted defeat, started to confront the
goddess Durga. durgw sB sMGwry rwKs KVg
lY [ Ajyhy rwKS durgw ny qlvwr PVky mwr mukwey [ Durga slayed all
of them with her sword 16. pauVI ] auml
l`Qy joDy mwrU b`ijAw, jd jMgI ngwrw vijAw, qd auqSwh pUrx joDy (rx BUmI ivc)
lVn leI Aw auqry [ At the sound of the battle drum, the warriors, with
refreshed vigour, entered the battlefield. b`dl
ijauN mihKwsur rx ivic g`ijAw, mihKwsur dYNq b`dl vWg jMg ivc g`ijAw [ The
demon Mehkhasur thundered like a cloud in the battlefield. 'ieMdr
jyhw joDw mYQau B`ijAw, AwKx l`gw, 'ieMdr ijhw joDw qW mYQoN B`j igAw hY, (He
said) a warrior like Indra has scurried away from me. kaux
ivcwrI durgw ijn rx s`ijAw ?' ieh ivcwrI durgw iks igxqI ivc hY, ijs ny myry
nwl rx ivc iBVn dI ihMmq kIqI hY ?' Who is this poor Durga, who dares
to challenge me in the battlefield ? 17.
pauVI ] b`jy Fol ngwry dlW mukwblw, POjW dw mukwblw hox pur Fol Aqy ngwry
v`jy [ The drums sounded the start of battle between the opposing forces. qIr
iPrYN rYbwry AwmoH swmHxy, qIr AwmoN swhmxy ieMj iPr rhy hn, mwno iek dUjy
dI AgvweI krdy hox [ Arrows shot at each other appear mediating between
each other (the warriors). Agixq bIr sMGwry
lgdI kYbrIN, qIrW (kYbrIN) dy lgx nwl byAMq XoDy mwry gey [ Countless
warriors died with these arrows. if`gy
jwix munwry mwry ib`ju dy, ies qrWH ifg pey, ijvyN ibjlI dy mwry munwry ifgy
hn [ They fell like minarets struck by lightening. KulI
vwlIN dYNq AhwVy sBy sUrmy, swry sUrmy dYNq, ibKry hoey vwlW vwly, (AhwVy)
hw-hw kwr krdy iPrdy hn [ All the warrior demons with their dishevelled
hair are running amok. su`qy jwxu jtwly
BMgW KwiekY [ jMg ivc ieMj sON gey, ijvyN BMgW pIky jtW vwly swDU sON gey hox
[ (Some of them) are lying in the battlefield as if sadhus (ascetics)
with dishevelled hair are lying down intoxicated with hemp. 18.pauVI
] duhW kMDwrW muh juVy nwil DausW BwrI [ jMgI Fol ngwry v`jy, qd dohW POjW
dw mukwblw SurU hoieAw [ The drums resounded and the battle between
both armies resumed. kVk au`iTAw Pauj qy
v`fw AhMkwrI, vfw AhMkwrI (mihKwsur) kVkky POj ivcoN viDAw [ The
most arrogant Mehkhasur advanced with his army, resounding like thunder. lYky
c`ilAw sUrmy nwil vfy hjwrI, Awpxy nwl hzwrW dI igxqI ivc blvwn sUrmy lY ky
lVweI leI cilAw [ He was accompanied by thousands of brave warriors. imAwno
KMfw DUihAw mihKwsur BwrI, mihKwsur ny imAwn ivcoN Bwrw KMfw DUh ilAw [ Mehkhasur
unsheathed his mighty double-edged sword. auml
l`Qy sUrmy mwr mcI krwrI, sUrmy aumMfky mYdwn ivc auqry Aqy krVI mwr mcI [ Warriors
lunged ardently into the battlefield and fierce fighting took place. jwpy
c`ly rqu dy slly jtDwrI [ sUrimAw dy isr dy P`tW ivcoN lhU ieMj ifg irhw hY,
ijvyN iSvjI dy isr ivcoN gMgw dI Dwr ifg rhI hovy [ Blood from the heads
of the warriors' flows like the river Ganges flowing from the knotted hair of
Lord Shiva. 19.pauVI ] s`t peI jmDwxI
dlW mukwblw, ngwirAW qy s`t peI, qd dohW iDrW dIAW POjW mukwbly leI ft geIAW
[ The drums sounded and the armies of both sides began fighting. DUih
leI ikRpwxI durgw imAwn qy, dyvI ny imAwn ivcoN qlvwr DUh leI [ Durga
drew her sword from the sheath. cMfI rwks
KwxI vwhI dYq nU, (dyvI ny) rwkSW nUM mwrn vwlI qlvwr (mihKwsur) dYNq qy clweI
[ (Durga) struck the demon Mehkhasur with the demon slayer sword. kopr
cUr cvwxI l`QI krg lY, isr dI KoprI Aqy cvwx (mUMh) nUM cIrky srIr dy ipMjry
qk qlvwr auqr geI [ The sword pierced the skull, the face and then penetrated
the ribs. pwKr qurw plwxI rVkI Drq jwie, GoVy
dy kvc Aqy kwTI nUM cIrky zmIn qy jw rVkI [ It (the sword) cut through
the chain armour and saddle of the horse and hit the ground. LYNdI
AGw isDwxI isMgw Daul idAW, AgWh vD ky Drq nUM cukx vwly bld dy is|W qy jw
KVoeI [ Having pierced the ground, it (the sword) reached the horns
of the (mythical) bull supporting the earth kUrm
isr lhlwxI dusmn mwrkY, k`CU (ivSnU dy cOvIN AvqwrW ivcoN kUrm Avqwr, ijsny
mMdrwcl prbq nUM cuikAw sI) dy isr auqy dyvI dI qlvwr lihrweI Aqy mihKwsur duSmn
dw nws kIqw [ ( ieh auopmW AlMkwr hY ijs ivc gurU jI ny dyvI dI qlvwr dI pihlW
bOld dy isr qk qlvwr dw vwr phuMcwieAw Aqy iPr kUrm dy isr qk ausy qlvwr nUM phuMcwieAw
- iek kvI - Aqy Eh vI gurU goibMd isMG vrgw hI ieho jhy kmwl dy audwhrx dy skdy
sn ) [ The sword shone on the head of the tortoise (one of the 24 incarnations
of Lord Vishnu, who carried the Mandrachal mountain on its back) and destroyed
(Mehkhasur) the enemy. (This is called "Upma Alankar" - meaning 'praise'
used here to glorify the thrust of the sword of Devi Durga) v`Fy
g`n iqKwxI mUey Kyq ivic [ mYdwn jMg ivc murdy ieauN pey hn, ijvyN qKwxW ny
pory vFy hn [ The battlefield was littered with corpses as if woodcutters
(carpenters) have cut tree trunks. rx ivic
G`qI GwxI lohU imMj dI, XuD BUmI ivc (surimAw dy) lhU Aqy im`J (crbI) dI GwxI
mcI hoeI sI [ The battlefield has been turned into dough of blood and
flesh (tissues). cwry jug khwxI c`lgu qyg
dI [ (durgw qy ausdI sUrbIrqw dI) qlvwr dI kQw cwry XugW ivc clygI [ The
story of (the valorous Durga and) her sword will be remembered throughout the
four aeons. ib`Dx Kyq ivhwxI mihKy dYq
nU [ mihKwsur dy dYNqW aupr duK Aqy musIbq dI GVI bIqI [ The other
demons (of Mehkhasur) are in a pitiful and agonizing predicament 20.
ieiq mhKwsur dYq mwry durgw AwieAw [ mihKwsur dYNq dy mrn bwHd mYdwn ivc
hor dYNq Agy vDy ijnHW nUM vI durgw ny mwr suitAw [ At the death of
Mehkhasur more demons came forward, whom did Durga also annihilate. caudh
lokW rwxI isMG ncwieAw [ cOdW lokW dI rwxI ny (ies ij`q ivc) Syr kudwieAw [ The
Empress of the fourteen realms made her lion hop about (after this victory). mwry
vIr jtwxI dl ivic A`gly [ lMmIAW jtW vwly dYNqI POj dy moFI bhwdurW nUM (durgw
ny) mwr suitAw [ (Durga) destroyed the (other) matted hair leading demons
of the army. mMgx nwhI pwxI dlIN hkwrkY
[ dlW nUM llkwrdy hoey sUrmy pwxI vI nhIN mMgdy [ These challenging
warriors do not even ask for (a drink of) water. jxu
krI smwie pTwxI suixkY rwg nU [ ieMJ byhoS pey hn, mwno rwg suxky pTwx vjd
ivc A gey hn [ They lie unconscious on the ground as if 'Pathans' (who
are) enchanted by music. r`qU dy hVvwxI
c`ly vIr Kyq [ LhU dy hV XuD BUmI ivc vg qury [ There is a flood
of blood in the battlefield. pIqw P`ul ieAwxI
GUmn sUrmy [ Gwiel hoey sUrmy ieauN JUmdy hn, mwno soPIAW ny Srwb pI leI hY
[ The injured are swaying about, like teetotallers intoxicated by alcohol. 21.pauVI
] hoeI Alop BvwnI dyvW nU rwju dy [ dyviqAW nUM (rwkSW pwsoN ij`q ky) rwj
dy ky durgw AMqr iDAwn (Alop) ho geI [ After restoring the kingdom to
the gods, Durga (following the defeat of the demons), disappeared from the scene. eIsr
dI brdwnI hoeI ijq idn [ ijs idn eISvr dy idqy vrdwn dI GVI AweI [ The
time of the boon approached (bestowed on the demons by Lord Shiva). suMB
insuMB gumwnI jnmy sYrmy [ SuMB Aqy inSuMB AiBmwnI sUrmy jMmy [ The
arrogant Shumbh and Nishumbh demons were born. ieMdr
dI rjdwnI q`kI ijqxI [ ijnHW ny ieMdr dI rwjDwnI (AmrwvqI) ijqx leI ierwdw
kIqw [ They decided to capture the Capital of the gods, Amravati. 22.
pauVI } ieMdr purI qy Dwvxw vf joDIN mqw pkwieAw
[ vfy XoiDAW ny ieMdr purI qy Dwvw bolx dw ierwdw kIqw [ Great warriors
planned to attack Indrapuri (Amravati). sMj
ptylw pwKrw ByV sMdw swju bxwieAw [ kvc (sMj), mUMh Fkx dI lohy dI ptl (jwlI),
GoVy dw sMjoAw (pRKr) Awid nwl Xu`D dw smwn iqAwr krnw SurU kIqw [ They
wore armours, mail-net masks and armed their horses and camels and started collecting
other warfare material. juMmy ktk ACUhxI
Asmwnu grdI CwieAw [ keI KUhxIAW PojW dIAW iek`TIAW ho geIAW ijnHW dy pYrw
nwl Awsmwn grd (G`ty) nwl Br igAw [ (KUhxI = ACUhxI = hwQI 21870, rQ 21870, GoVy
65610, ipAwdy 109350, ieqnI POj AkSOihxI huMdI hY)[ A huge army assembled,
comprising of many 'akshauhanis' (one 'akshauhani equals 21870 elephants, 21870
chariots, 65610 horses and 109350 foot soldiers). The dust raised by the army
covered the entire sky. roih suMB insuMB
isDwieAw [ vfy joS nwl SuMB Aqy inSMuB ny kUc kIqw [ With great fury
Shumbh and Nishumbh commenced their advance. 23.
pauVI ] suMB insuMB AlwieAw vf joDIN sMGr vwey [ SuMB inSMuB ny hukm kIqw,
ijs pr blvwn XoiDAW ny jMg dy (sMGr=rxisMgy) ibgl vjwey [ At the signal
of Shumbh and Nishumbh, their brave warriors gave the clarion call. roh
idKwlI id`qIAw virAwmI qury ncwey [ kRoD mUrqImwn ho igAw Aqy bhwdurW ny GoVy
kudwey [ Anger seemed to portray and the warriors made their steeds
run about (pranced). Gury dmwmy dohry jmbwhx
ijau ArVwey [ dohry DONsy ieMj gUMjy, ijMvy Xmrwj dw vwhn, Jotw ArVw auiTAw
hovy [ Double drums started beating, as if the ride of Yamaraja (death
god), the buffallo, is bellowing. dyau dwno
lu`Jx Awey [ dyvqy Aqy dYNq mYdwn ivc Xu`D krn leI Awey [ The demi-gods
and the demons got ready to battle in the field. 24.
pauVI ] dwno dyau AnwgI sMGru ricAw [ rwkSW Aqy dyviqAW ny lgwqwr Xu`D krnw
ArMB kr idqw [ The gods and the demons incessantly commenced the battle. P`ul
iKVy jxu bwgIN bwxy joiDAW [ XoiDAW dy bsqr lhU nwl ieMj ho gey mwnoN bwg ivc
lwl P`ul iKVy hn [ The bloodstained uniforms of the warriors corresponded
to a garden blooming with red flowers. BUqW
ie`lW kwgIN gosqu B`iKAw [ BUqW, ie`lW Aqy kwvW ny mws KwDw [ The
ghouls, kites and the crows devoured the meat (dead bodies). huMmx
DuMmx jwgI G`qI sUirAW [ sUrimAW ny rx ivc Awpo DwpI pweI hoeI sI [ The
warriors have created havoc in the battlefield. 25.pauVI
] s`t peI ngwry dlW mukwblw [ ngwry aupr s`t peI Aqy dohW POjW dw mukwiblw
SurU ho igAw [ The war drums were beaten and the battle between both
the armies began. id`qy dyau BgweI imlky
rwksIN [ rwKSW ny iml ky dyvqy Bjw idqy [ The demons made the demi-gods
flee. lokIN iqhIN iPrweI dohI AwpxI [ AwpxI
hkUmq dw FMforw iqMnw lokW ivc iPrw idqw [ The demon predominance ran
in the three worlds. durgw dI swm qkweI
dyvW fridAW [ dyviqAW fr dy mwirAW ny durgw dI Srx q`kI [ The frightened
gods sought the aid of Durga. AWdI cMf cVweI
au`qy rwksW [ Aqy rwkSW aupr cMfI nUM cVHw ilAWdw [ And persuaded
Durga to attack the demons. 26. pauVI ] AweI
Pyr BvwnI KbrI pweIAW [ durgw Pyr jMg krn AweI hY, ieh Kbr rwkSW nUM l`gI [ The
demons got the news that Durga has again turned up for battle. dYq
vfy AiBmwnI hoey eykTy [ vfy hMkwrI dYNq iek`qr hoey [ Arrogant demons
gathered together. locn DUm gumwnI rwie
bulwieAw [ rwjw SuMB ny DUmRlocn AiBmwnI nUM sidAw [ King Sumbh called
for the conceited chieftain Dhoomerlochan. jg
iv`ic v`fw dwno Awp khwieAw [ jo sMswr ivc Awpxy Awp nUM mhWblI dYNq khwauNdw
sI (ies ny durgw nUM bMnH ky ilAwaux dw bcn kIqw sI )[ He considered
himself a very great warrior in the world. (He had promised to deliver Durga in
bondage) s`t peI KrcwmI durgw ilAwvxI [ durgw
nUM pkVky ilAwaux leI DONsy aupr cot peI [ The drums sounded for the
capture of Durga. 27. pauVI ] kVk auTI
rx cMfI PaujW dyiKkY [ POojW nuM dyK ky cMfI (durgw) g`j auTI [ Chandi
(Durga) thundered, when she saw the demon army. DuUih
imAwno KMfw hoeI swhmxy [ imAwn qoN KMfw iKcky swmHxy AweI [ She
unsheathed her double-edged sword and faced them. s`By
bIr sMGwry DUmr nYx dy [ DUmRnYx dy swry XoDy mwr su`ty [ She killed
all the soldiers (warriors) of Dhoomerlochan. jxu
lY k`ty Awry drKq bwFIAW [ jwixEN qrKwxw ny AwirAW nwl ibrC v`F-v`F ky su`ty
hox [ (These corpses) look as if carpenters with their saws have cut
off trees and thrown them about. 28. pauVI
] cobI Daus bjweI dlW mukwblw [ ngwrcI ny DONsy nUM vjwieAw Aqy PojW dw
Xu`D mc igAw [ The drumbeaters beat the drums and the armies engaged
in battle. roh BvwnI AweI auqY rwksW [ kRoD
ivc Aw ky durgw ny rwksW qy h`lw kIqw [ Durga, in a rage, attacked the
demons. KbY dsq ncweI sIhx swrdI [ K`by
h`Q ivc lohy dI qlvwr lY ky ausnUM (durgw ny) GumwieAw [ She wielded
the iron sword in her left hand. bhuiqAW
dy qn lweI kIqI rMgulI [ bhuiqAw dy srIrW nUM l`g ky (qlvwr) rMgIn (lhU luhwn)
ho geI [ After hacking many bodies (of the demons), it (the sword) was
bloodstained. BweIAW mwrn BweI durgw jwixkY
[ Gbrwey hoey vYrI, Awpxy hI BrwvW nUM durgw smJ ky mwrdy hn [ The
confused enemy soldiers were killing their own brethern mistaking them for Durga. roh
hoie clweI rwkisrwie nU [ g`usy ivc dyvI ny rwkSW dy rwjy (DUmRlocn) auqy qlvwr
clweI [ Seething with anger, Durga attacked the demon king (Dhoomerlochan)
with her sword. jmpur dIAw pTweI locnDUm
nU [ DUmRlocn nUM Xmpur phuMcw idqw ArQwq mwr idqw [ Dhoomerlochan
was sentenced to his death. jwpy id`qI sweI
mwrn suMB dI [ DUmRlocn nhIN mwirAw, mwnoN SuMB nUM mwrn leI sweI (pySgI) id`qI
hY [ It was not just the death of Dhoomerlochan but an advance warning
to Shumbh for the fate (death) which was in store for him. 29.
pauVI ] BMny dYq pukwry rwjy suMB QY [ jMg qoN B`j ky dYNqW ny rwjy SuMB
Agy ivRlwp kIqw [ The fleeing demons from the battlefield went and wailed
in front of King Shumbh. locnDUm sMGwry
sxy ispwhIAW [ ik, ispwhIAW smyq DUmRlocn mwirAw igAw hY [ That,
Dhoomerlochan along with his soldiers has been killed. cuix
cuix joDy mwry AMdir Kyq dY [ rx ivc cux cux ky XoDy mwr idqy hn [ Durga
selected the (named) warriors and killed them in the battlefield. jwpn
AMbir qwry if`gn sUrmy [ sUrmy (mYdwny jMg ivc) ieMvy ifgy ijvyN Asmwn qoN
qwry ifgdy hn [ The warriors fell like stars falling from the sky. igry
prbq Bwry mwry ib`ju dy [ AQvw, ibjlI dy mwry BwrI phwV ifgy hn [ As
if large mountains have been struck down by lightening. dYqW
dy dl hwry dhSq KwiekY [ KOP Kw ky dYNqw dIAW POjW hwr geIAW hn [ The
frightened demon army has been defeated. bcy
Sumwry mwry rihMdy rwie QY [ hy rwjn ! jo jMg qoN bcy, Aqy jo Awp pws rihMdy
hn, ieh sB BI moieAW ivc hI jwxo [ O king! Those who survived the battle
and those who are with you - consider them dead as well. 30.
pauVI ] roh hoie bulwey rwksrwie ny [ (ieh suxky) rwjy SuMB ny gu`sy ivc
bwkI rwkS s`dy [ Fuming with rage the King Shumbh summoned the other
demons. bYTy mqw pkweI durgw ilAwvxI [ ieh
mqw pkwieAw ik durgw nUM pkV kyy ilAwauxw hY [ It was decided that Durga
had to be brought as a captive. cMf Aru
muMf pTwey bhuqw ktku dY [ cMf Aqy muMf srdwrW nUM bhuq swrI POj dy ky ByijAw
[ Chandd and Mundd the chieftains were sent with a great army. jwpy
C`pr Cwey bxIAW kyjmw [ sUrimAW dIAW sUqIAW qlvwrW Awps ivc juV ky Cpr vWg
Cw geIAW hn[ The warriors' raised swords intertwined with each other
gave the impression of thatched roofs. jyqy
rwie bulwey c`ly ju`J no [ ijMny dYNq SuMB ny bulwey sn Eh swry jMg vl rvwnw
ho gey [ All the demons summoned by King Shumbh marched towards the
battlefield. jxu jmpur pkiV clwey s`By mwrny
[ ieh jMg nUM nhIN Byjy, mwno jmpurI vl qor idqw hY (ikauNik durgw ny auhnW
sBnw nUM mwr dyxw hY) [ They have not gone to the battlefield, but to
their doom. (As the goddess Durga is going to destroy them). 31.
pauVI ] Fol ngwry vwey dlW mukwblw [ Fol qy ngwry vjwey, (sux ky) POjW dw
twkrw hoieAw [ Drums and large kettledrums sounded and battle between
the two armies commenced. roih ruhyly Awey
au`qy rwksW [ joSIly dyvqy BI kRoD krky rwKSW qy cVH Awey [ The ardent
gods in fury attacked the demons. sBnI qury
ncwey brCy pkiV kY [ swirAW ny h`QW ivc brCy pkV ky GoVy kudwey [ All
of them with prancing steeds, armed themselves with spears. bhuqy
mwir igrwey AMdir Kyq dY [ bhuqy XoDy mYdwny jMg ivc mwrky is`t idqy gey [ (Durga)
killed many warriors in the battlefield. qIrIN
Chbir lweI buTI dyvqW [ dyviqAW ny qIrW dI brKw dI JVI lw idqI [ The
demi-gods shot their arrows like forceful rainfall. 32.
pauVI ] ByrI sMk bjwey sMGr ricAw [ ByrI (nPIrI nwl v`jx vwlw Cotw ngwrw)
Aqy sMK vjwey qW Xu`D surU ho igAw [ The drums were beaten, the conch
was blown and the battle commenced. qix
qix qIr clwey durgw DnK lY [ durgw ny h`Q ivc DnuS lYky iK`c iK`c ky qIr clwey
[ Durga shot arrows with her fully stretched bow (at the demons). ijnHI
dsq auTwey, rhy n jINvdy [ ijnHW ny A`goN h`Q cuikAw (durgw dw mukwiblw kIqw),
auh jIauNdy nw rhy [ Those who lifted their hands against Durga, did
not remain alive. cMf Aru muMf Kpwey dono
dyvqW [ dyviqAW ny cMf Aqy muMf donw nUM mwr mukwieAw [ The gods
killed both Chandd and Mundd. 33.pauVI ] suMB
insuMB irswey mwry dYq suix [ cMf muMf dI mOq suxky SuMB Aqy inSuMB gusy ivc
Aw gey [ After hearing the death of Chandd and Mundd, Shumbh and Nishumbh
got enraged. joDy sB bulwey Apxy mjlsI [ Awpxy
swry slwhkwr XoDyAW nUM bulwieAw [ They called a meeting of all their
advisor warriors. ijnI dyau Bjwey ieMdr
jyhvy [ (AwiKAw, dyKo !) ijnHW ny ieMdR jyhy XoDy Bjw idqy sn [ And
said that those warriors who had earlier routed warriors like Indra. qyeI
mwr igrwey pl ivic dyvqW [ auh dyviqAW ny pl ivc hI mYdwny jMg ivc mwr ky iltw
idqy [ The gods have instantly killed them in the battlefield. EnI
dsqI dsiq vjwey iqnW ic`q kir [ swry slwhkwrW rwkSW ny cMf Aqy muMf nUM Xwd
krky h`Q ptky (APsos pRgt kIqw) [ All the demons rubbed their hands
in sorrow at the death of Chandd and Mundd. iPr
sRxvq bIj clwey bIVy rwie dy [ Pyr, pwn dw bIVw dy ky rwjy ny Srox bIj (rkq
bIj) nUM rx BUmI vl rvwnw kIqw [ Then, the King, gave the betel leaf
to Saronat Beej (Rakat Beej) and sent him into the battlefield. sMj
ptylw pwey iclkq topIAW [ sMjoey Aqy jwlIAW XoiDAW ny pihry Aqy srpoS cmk rhy
hn [ (The soldiers) wore armour, mail chains and polished helmets. luJx
no ArVwey rwKs rohly [ jMg krn leI kRoD dy Bry rwkS llkwr rhy sn [ The
raging demons were challenging for battle. kdy
n iknY htwey juJ mcwiekY [ ijnHW nUM jMg ivc iksy ny vI ipCy nhIN htwieAw sI
[ These were (the demons) who were never made to retreat (by any one)
in a battle. imil qyeI dwno Awey, hux sMGr
dyKxw [ iek`Ty hoky ieh dYNq Awey hn, hux ienHW dw Xu`D vyKxw hY, ik iks qrHW
dw huMdw hY [ The demons have come grouped together and now we have
to see what sort of battle lies in store for them. 34.
pauVI ] dYqIN fMf auBwrI nyVy AwiekY [ dYNqW ny nyVy Aw ky Sor mcwieAw [ The
demons, as they approached (Durga), started an uproar. isMG
krI AsvwrI durgw Sor suix [ Sor sux ky durgw ny Syr dI svwrI kr leI [ Listening
to the uproar, Durga mounted her lion. K`bY
dsq auBwrI gdw iPrwiekY [ K`by h`Q ivc gdw lY ky (mwrn leI) aucI krky GumweI
[ She raised and brandished her mace in her left hand. sYnw
sB sMGwrI sRxvq bIj dI [ sRxvq bIj dI swrI sYnw mwr idqI [ (Durga)
killed all the army of Saranvat Beej.
md Kwie mdwrI GUmn sUrmy [ (mwr Kw ky) sUrmy ieauN JUmdy hn ijvyN SrwbI GumyrIAW
pWdw hY [ Warriors wander in the battlefield like drunkards. Aigxq
pwau pswrI ruly AhwV ivic [ AhwV (rx) ivc bySumwr XoDy pYr pswrky ilt gey [ The
battlefield is littered with innumerable dead warriors. jwpY
Kyf iKfwrI su`qy Pwg nUM [ jwixEN holI Kyf ky iKfwrI sON gey hn [ As
if 'holi' (festival of colours) players have fallen asleep after playing holi
(with red paint). 35. pauVI ] sRxvq bIj
hkwry rhNdy sUrmy [ rkqbIj ny bwkI bcy sUrmy Awpxy pws s`dy [ Rakat
Beej summoned his remaining warriors. joDy
jyfu munwry id`sn Kyq ivic [ jo munwirAW jyfy lMmy rx BUmI ivc idKweI dy rhy
sn [ These warriors were so tall that they looked like minarets in the
battlefield. sBnI dsq auBwry qygW DuihkY
[ swirAW ny qlvwrW iK`cky h`Q aucy kIqy [ They unsheathed their swords
and raised them high. mwry mwr pukwry Awey
swmxy [ mwr lE! mwr lE! boldy swhmxy Awey [ They came forward shouting,
kill! kill! sMjW qy Txkwry qygIN au`Bry
[ sMjoAW qy qlvwrW dI Txkwr ieauN vjdI hY [ The sound made by the
swords striking the armour
. GwV GVn
TiTAwry jwxu bxwiekY [ mwno TiTAwr brqnW dI GwVq GV rhy hn [ (Sounded
like) coppersmiths shaping utensils. 36.
pauVI ] s`t peI jmDwxI dlW mukwblw [ jd ngwirAW qy cot peI qW POjW dw mukwblw
SurU hoieAw [y The drums were beaten and the battle ensued.
brgsqwxI dl ivic G`qIE [ POjW ivc durgw ny (AYsI mwr mwrky) BwjV (brgsqwxI)
pw idqI [ (Durga) fought so viciously that (she) stampeded the (demon)
army. sxy qurw plwxI if`gn sUrmy [ sUrmy,
GoiVAW Aqy kwTIAW smyq if`gx l`gy [ The warriors fell along with their
horses and saddles. auiT auiT mMgin pwxI
Gwiel GUmdy [ zKmI XoDy ckr Kw Kw auTdy sn, qy pwxI mMgdy sn [ The
injured warriors were getting up dazedly and asking for water. eyvfu
mwr ivhwxI au`pr rwksW [ rwKSW nUM ieqnI krVI mwr peI [ The demons
got a very heavy battering. ibjul ijauN
JrlwxI au`TI dyvqW [ ik ijsqoN dyviqAW nUM ibjlI dy Jrnwty vWg KuSI dI lihr
auTI [ Which pleased the gods like an (lightening) electric shot. 37.
pauVI ] cobI Daus auBwrI dlW mukwblw [ cobW ny ngwirAW qy cot mwrI Aqy mukwblw
SurU hoieAw [ The beaters beat the drums and the battle started. s`Bo
sYnw mwrI pl ivc dwnvI [ pl ivc dYNqW dI POj mwr sutI [ The demon
army was destroyed instantly. durgw, dwno
mwry roh bFwiekY [ durgw ny kRoD vDw ky dwnv mwry [ Durga in frenzy
killed the demons. isr ivic qyg vgweI sRxvq
bIj dy [ Aqy sRxvq bIj (rkq bIj) dy isr qy qlvwr dw vwr kIqw [ And,
she struck on the top of the head of Rakat Beej with her sword. 38.
pauVI ] Agixq dwno Bwry hoey lohUAW [ rkqbIj dy lhU qoN bySumwr k`dwvr rwKS
pYdw ho gey [ From the blood drops of Rakat Beej, countless brave demons
developed. joDy jyfu munwry AMdir Kyq dY
[ munwirAW jyhy XoDy rx BUmI ivc [ These demons appeared as tall
minarets in the battlefield. durgw no llkwry
Awvn swmxy [ durgw nUM llkwr ky swhmxy Awey [ They confronted Durga
and challenged her. durgw sB sMGwry rwks
AWvdy [ durgw ny swry h`lw krdy hoey rwKS mwr idqy [ Durga killed
all the demons that dared attack her. r`qU
dy prnwly iqn qy Buie pey [ aunHW dy srIrW ivcoN lhU dy prnwly zmIn qy vg pey
[ The blood from their bodies flowed on the ground like a spout. au`Ty
kwrixAwry rwks hV hVwie [ aus lhU ivcoN kwrixAwry (jMgjU=jMgwvr) rwKS hsdy-hsdy
pYdw ho gey [ More laughing warrior demons sprouted from their blood.
39. pauVI ] D`gW sMglIAwlIN sMGr vwieAw
[ zMjIrdwr nObqW ny jMg dw mYdwn Awvwz nwl Br idqw [ The chained
drums resounded in the battlefield. brCI
bMbilAwlIN sUry sMGry [ JMfIdwr brCIAW nUM lYky sUrmy XuD (sMGr) ivc ju`t gey
[ The warriors resumed fighting with their tasseled spears. ByV
micAw bIrwlI durgw dwnvIN [ durgw Aqy dwnvW dw SUrvIrW vwlw Xu`D micAw [ Durga
and the demons fought very courageously. mwr
mcI muhrwlI AMdir Kyq dY [ rx BUmI ivc muhrwlI (A`vl drjy dI) v`F tu`k hox
l`gI [ The battlefield was teeming with immense carnage. jxu
nt l`Qy CwlIN Fol bjwiekY [ jwixEN Fol bjwky bwjIgr CwlW mwr rhy hn [ As
if acrobats are dancing and jumping to the drum music. rohU
PwQI jwlI loQIN jmDVI [ loQW, ktwrW (jmDVI) dIAW mwrIAW ieauN qVPdIAW hn, ijvyN
jwl ivc PsI m`CI (rohU) [ The dagger pierced bodies are in agony as
fish in a net. Gx ivic ijau CMCwlI qygW
hsIAW [ qlvwrW AjyhIAW cmkIAW mwno (Gx) b`dl ivc (CMCwlI) ibjlI lSkdI hY [ The
swords sparkled like lightening in clouds. GUmrAwir
isAwlI bxIAW kyjmW [ qlvwrW (kyjmW) ies qrWH CweIAW hoeIAW hn ijvyN isAwl dI
srdI ivc cwr cuPyry DuMD (GUmrAwir) Cw jWdI hY [ The swinging swords
covered the sky like fog during winter. 40.
pauVI ] D`gW sUl bjweIAW dlW mukwblw [ sUl (fMifAW) nwl nObqW bjweIAW Aqy
dlW dw ByV hoieAw [ The drumstick beat the drums and the armies clashed. DUh
imAwno leIAW juAwnI sUrmI [ juAwnW ny imAwno qlvwrW sUq leIAW [ The
young warriors unsheathed their swords. sRxvq
bIj vDweIAW Aigxq sUrqW [ rkq bIj ny bySumwr SklW vDw leIAW [ Rakat
Beej transformed into many different forms. durgw
sOhyN AweIAW roh bFwiekY [ jo kRoD vDwky durgw dy swhmxy AweIAW [ Who,
(different forms of Rakat Beej) highly infuriated confronted Durga. sBnI
Awix vgweIAW qygW DUihkY [ Aqy aunHW swrIAW sUrqW ny imAwno iK`cky qlvwrW (dyvI
auqy) vwhIAW [ And all of them came to strike Durga with their unsheathed
swords. durgw sB bcweIAW Fwl sMBwlkY [ durgw
ny Fwl lYky sB qlvwrW Awpxy AMg lgxoN bcweIAW [ Durga repelled their
attack with her shield. durgw Awp clweIAW
qik qik dwnvI [ Pyr dyvI durgw ny dYNqW nUM jwc jwcky AwpxIAW qlvwrW clweIAW
[ Durga struck her swords on each and every demon attacking her. LohU
nwl fubweIAW qygW nMgIAW [ Ar nMgIAW qlvwrW lhU ivc fobIAW [ And
dipped the exposed swords in blood. swrsuqI
jxu nHweIAW imlkY dyvIAW [ mwno dyviqAW dIAW iesqRIAW imlky srsvqI ndI ivc
nHwqIAW hn [ (srsvqI ndI dw pwxI lwl hY ies krky lhU nwl qu`lqw idqI hY)[ It
looks as if the wives of the gods have had a dip in the Sarasvati River. (Water
of the Sarasvati is supposed to be red). s`By
mwr igrweIAW AMdir Kyq dY [ rkqbIj dIAW swrIAW mUrqW nUM durgw ny rx BUmI ivc
mwrky su`t idqw [ All the forms of Rakat Beej were slayed (by Durga)
and littered in the battlefield. iqdUM Pyir
svweIAW hoeIAW sUrqW [ pr ieh sUrqW pihlW nwloN vI svweIAW pYdw ho geIAW (lhU
dIAW bUMdW rwKS bx geIAW) [ But these demonic forms (of Rakat Beej)
again sprouted into more demon forms as the drops of blood spilled on the ground
(the drops of blood were converting into demons). 41.
pauVI ] sUrIN sMGr ricAw Fol sMK ngwry vwiekY [ sUrimAW ny Fol, sMK qy ngwry
vjwky jMg CyiVAw [ The warriors beat the drums and kettledrums and blew
the conch to start the battle. cMf icqwrI
kwilkw min bihlw ros bFwiekY [ cMfI ny mn ivc bhuq (bihlw) kRoD krky kwilkw
nUM shwieqw leI Xwd kIqw [ Chandi (Durga) writhing in anger, (contemplated
and) summoned Goddess Kali for assistance. inklI
m`Qw PoiVkY jxu Pqy nIswx bjwiekY [ durgw dw m`Qw pwV ky kwilkw Ajyhy Sbd nwl
bwhr AweI, mwno PqHy dw ngwrw v`ijAw hY [ From the burst forehead of
Durga emanated (Goddess) Kalika matching the forceful sounding of a victory drum. jwg
su jMmI ju`D nUM jrvwxw jxu mrVwiekY [ Xu`D krn leI jwg (Agin rUp) aupjI, ijvyN
vIrB`dr (jrvwxw) iSvjI qoN pRgitAw sI [ She (Kali, the fiery one) was
manifested for battle just like Lord Shiva manifested Veerbhaddar. dl
ivic Gyrw G`iqAw jxu sINh quirAw gxxwiekY [ kwlI ny jMg ivc sUrimAW nUM Gyr
ilAw, mwnoN Syr grjdw hoieAw quirAw hY [ In the battlefield Kali, roaring
like a lion, surrounded the warriors. Awp
ivsUlw hoieAw iqhu lokW qy KuxswiekY [ rkq bIj kRoD krky Awp hI iqMn lokW qy
duKdweI kMfw ho igAw, ArQwq kwlI nUM pYdw krn dw kwrx bixAw [ Rakat
Beej, whose hostility for the three worlds, became his own enemy, i.e. he became
the incentive for the advent of Kali. roh
isDweIAW ckR pwx kr nMdw KVg auTwiekY [ nMdw (durgw) kRoD krky ckr h`Q ivc
lYky Aqy qlvwr auBwrky rwKSW qy h`lw krn A`gy vDI [ Nanda (Durga) in
a rage clutched her quoit and the sword in her hands and advanced towards the
demons to deliver her attack. A`gy rwks
bYTy rohly qIrIN qygIN Chbr lwiekY [ AgoN kroDI rwKS vI bYTy sn ijnWH qIrW
qlvwrW dI buCwV lw idqI [ The demons were also waiting in anticipation,
and they replied with showers of arrows and swords. pkV
pCwVy rwksW dl dYNqW AMdir jwiekY [ dYNqW dI POj ivc Ds ky rwKSW nUM PV PV
ky hyTW ptkw idqw [ (Kali) penetrated the enemy army and grasping the
demons, flung them on the ground. bhu kysIN
pkV pCwVIAin iqn AMdir DUm rcwiekY [ bhuqy kysW qoN pkV ky pCwV id`qy Aqy aunHW
AMdr DuMm mcw idqI [ She clutched most of them by their locks and threw
them, raising a tumult in their ranks. bfy
bfy cuix sUrmy gih kotI dey clwiekY [ vfy vfy sUrmy kmwx dy goSy (kotI) nwl
PVky vgwh su`ty [ She flung many a warriors with the end of her bow. rix
kwlI gu`sw KwiekY [ rx ivc kwlI ny kRoD krky [ (All this happened
when) Kali propagated anger in the battlefield. 42.
pauVI ] duhW kMDwrW muih juVy AxIAW r`coeIAW [ duhW POjW dIAW kqwrW dw muT
ByV ho igAw Aqy nyzy qIrW dIAW nokW (AxIAW) ijsmW ivc Ds geIAW [ Both
the armies facing each other started fighting and the (sharp) tips of the spears
and the arrows penetrated their bodies. DUih
ikRpwxw iq`KIAW nwil lohU DoeIAW [ iq`KIAW qlvwrW imAwno DuUhky lhU nwl nvHw
id`qIAW [ The warriors unsheathed their sharp swords and bathed them
in blood. hUrw sRvxq bIj nUM Giq Gyir KloeIAW
[( surK rMg dIAW qlvwrW mwno svrg dIAW ApsrW hn, ijnHW ny rkqbIj nUM Gyr ilAw
hY [ These blood red swords look like 'angels from heaven' who have
surrounded Rakat Beej. lwVw dyKn lwVIAW
cauigrdY hoeIAW [ mwno lwVy nUM vyKx lwVIAW cuPyry Aw jmHw hoeIAW hn [ As
if bridesmaids have encircled the bridegroom. 43.
pauVI ] cobI DausW pweIAW dlW mukwblw [ nObqW qy cobW peIAW POjW dw twkrw
hoieAw [ The kettledrums were beaten and the armies attacked. dsqIN
DUih ncweIAW qygW nMgIAW [ sUrimAW ny qlvwrW sUq ky h`QW ivc PVIAW Aqy vwr
krn leI GumweIAW (ncweIAW) [ The warriors unsheathed their swords and
holding them in their hands started brandishing them. sUirAW
dy qn lweIAW goSq igDIAW [ mws Kwx igJIAW qlvwrW nUM sUrimAW dy srIrW aupr
lw idqw (KoB idqIAW) [ These flesh-eating swords were shoved into the
bodies of the warriors. ibDx rwqI AweIAW
mrdW GoiVAW [ mrdW qy GoiVAW nUM duKdweI (ibDx) rwqW pY geIAW [ These
were the nights of suffering for horses and men. jogxIAW
imil DweIAW lohU BKxw [ jogxIAW (ijnHW dI sMiKAw 65 d`sI jWdI hY) iek`TIAW
hoky rkqbIj dw lhU pIx leI B`jIAW Aw rhIAW hn [ All the blood-drinking
deities (supposedly 65 of them), come running to drink the blood of Rakat Beej. PaujW
mwir htweIAW dyvW dwnvW [ durgw ny dYNqW dIAW POjW mwrky ipCy htw idqIAW [ Durga
battered the demon army and made them retreat. BjdIN
kQw suxweIAW rwjy suMB QY [ POjW dI BWj dI khwxI jw ky rwjy SuMB nUM rwkSW
jw suxweI [ The story of the routing (and retreat) of the demon army,
was narrated by the fleeing demons to King Shumbh. BueI
n pauxY pweIAW bUMdW rkq dIAW [ aunHW disAw ik rkqbIj dy lhU dIAW bUMdW BUmI
aupr ifgx nhIN idqIAW geIAW [ They stated that the drops of blood from
Rakat Beej were not allowed to fall on the ground (as they were drunk by Kali
and the deities). kwlI Kyiq KpweIAW s`By
sUrqW [ kwlI ny swrIAW (rkqbIj dIAW sUrqW) dyhW rx ivc nwS kr idqIAW [ Kali
destroyed all the forms of Rakat Beej in the battlefield. bhuqIN
isrI ibhweIAW GVIAW kwl kIAW [ bhuqy swry rwKSw dy isr qoN mOq dIAW GVIAW bIq
cukIAW hn [ Thus, the moment of death came to pass on many a demons.
jwix n jwey mweIAW JUJy sUrmyN [ sUrmy
Xu`D ivc ieauN mr imty, mwnoN mwvW ny pYdw hI nhIN kIqy sn [ The warriors
lost their lives in the battle as if their mothers' had never conceived them. 44.
pauVI ] suMB suxI krhwlI sRxvqbIj dI [ SuMB ny BgOiVAW dy mUMh qoN rkqbIj
bwbq ivlwp dI kQw suxI [ Shumbh heard the distressing story of Rakat
Beej (from the survivors). rx ivc iknY n
JwlI durgw AwvdI [ ik,jMg ivc AwauNdI durgw iksy ny nw J`lI[ That,
no one could confront Durga when she entered the battlefield. bhuqy
bIr jtwlI auTy AwiKkY [ ies pur, bhuqy jtwlI (SyKI mwrn vwly) XoDy kih auTy
[ At this, many proud warriors retorted. cotW
pwn qbwlI jwsW juD nUM [ qblcIE! DONisAW aupr cotW
mwro, AsIN jMg ivc jwvWgy [ "Drummers! Start beating the drums,
we will go into battle. " Qir Qir ipRQmI
cwlI dlW cVMidAW [ POjW dy qurn qy zmIn Qr Qr kMbx l`gI [ The march
of the army made the earth tremble.. nwau
ijvyhY hwlI shdirAwau ivic [ ijvyN Bry dirAw ivc byVI ihldI hY [ Like
a boat in a torrential river. DUiV auqwhw
GwlI CVI qurMgmW [ GoiVAW dy pOVW ny AkwS vl DUV cVHw idqI [ The
hoofs of the horses raised the dust towards the sky. jwix
pukwrU cwlI DrqI ieMdR QY [ ieh grd (DUV) nhIN mwno ipRQvI ieMdR pws PirAwd
lY ky clI hY [ As if this is not dust, but (mother) earth making an
appeal to Lord Indra. 45. pauVI ] Awhr
imilAw AwhrIAW sYx sUirAW swjI [ audmIAW nUM jMg dw Awhr iml igAw, XoiDAW ny
sYnw sjw leI [ The bold men found an opportunity to fight and the brave
warriors formed an army. qIrIN qygIN jmDVIN
rix vMfI BwjI [ sUrimAW ny qIrW, qlvwrW ktwrW dI jMg ivc BwjI vMfI [ The
brave warriors distributed rewards of arrows, swords and daggers in the battle. ieik
Gwiel GUmn sUrmy jxu mkqb kwjI [ keI P`tV ieauN JUmdy hn, ijvyN mkqb (mdr`sy)
ivc kwzI JUmdy hn (kurwn SrIP pVHn vyly)[ Some injured ones are spinning
like the Kazi who reads the Quran in a mosque school. ieik
bIr proqy brCIeyN ijau Juk paun invwjI [ keI XoDy brCIAW dy proqy ieauN Juk
gey, ijvyN nmwzI Jukdy hn [ Some warriors pierced by spears, stoop like
the 'Namazi' (Muslim devotees) saying their prayers. ieik
durgw sauhy KunskY Kunswien qwjI [ keI dyvI dy swhmxy, iKJky Awpxy GoiVAW nUM
A`gy vDx leI qwVdy hn [ Some of them in a fit of frenzy urge their steeds
towards Durga. ieik Dwvn durgw swmxy ijau
BuiKAwey pwjI [ keI dlyr, durgw dy mukwbly leI Dwvw krdy hn, ijvyN Bu`Ky kmIny
log Kwxy qy tu`ut pYNdy hn [ Some brave warriors attack Durga like starving
mean people who jump at the sight of food. kdy
n r`jy ju`J qy rij hoey rwjI [ jo Xu`D krky kdI r`jy nhIN sn, auh pUry iqRpq
Aqy KuS ho gey [ The ones, who were never content in battle, were very
satisfied and delighted. 46. pauVI ] bjy
sMglIAwly sMGr fohry [ zMzIrdwr ngwry jMg ivc dov`lI (fohry) v`jy [ The
chained drums sounded the double beats in the battlefield. fhy
ju Kyq jtwly hwTW joiVkY [ tolIAW (hwTW) joVky BXwnk (jtwly) dYNq rx ivc jUJ
gey [ Groups of ferocious demons are locked in combat in the battlefield. nyjy
bMblIAwly idsn ErVy [ JwlrW (bMblIAwly) vwly nyzy aulry hoey ieauN nzr pYNdy
hn [ The spears with their flying tassels were looking like:
jwx jtwly nwvx gMg nUM [ jwixE jtwDwrI (swDU) gMgw ieSnwn cly hn [ The
ascetics with matted hair going for a dip in the River Ganges. 47.
pauVI ] durgw Aqy dwnvIN sUl hoeIAW kMgW [ durgw Aqy dYNqW dIAW kvcW (kMgW)
ivMnIAW geIAW [ The armours of Durga and the demons were pierced. vwCV
G`qI sUirAW ivic Kyq KqMgW [ mYdwny jMg ivc sUrimAW ny (qIrW) dI Cihbr (vwCV)
lgw idqI (mINh vrsw idqw) [ The warriors showered the battlefield with
arrows. DUih ikRpwxW iq`KIAW bF lwhin AMgW
[ iqKIAW qlvwrW DUhky AMgW nUM vFky Al`g kr idMdy hn [ The (warriors
with) unsheathed sharp swords are dismembering the limbs. pihlw
dlW imlMidAW ByV pieAw inhMgW [ POjW dw twkrw hox nwl pihlW inrBY XoiDAW (inhMgW)
dw twkrw hoieAw [ As the armies came face to face, the defiant warriors
clashed with each other. 48. pauVI ] ErV
PaujW AweIAW bIr cVyH kMDwrI [ aumfky POjW AweIAW, ispwhslwr (kMDwr) jMg leI
cVH pey [ The armies came fervently and the generals beckoned them on. sVik
imAwno k`FIAW iqKIAW qrvwrI [ XoiDAW ny iqKIAW qlvwrW, sVk-sVk krdIAW imAwnW
ivcoN kFIAW [ The warriors pulled out their swishing swords from the
sheaths. kVik auTy rx m`icAw vfy hMkwrI
[ jMg dy mcidAW hI hMkwrI sUrmy (ibjlI vWg) kVk auTy [ As the battle
heated up, the arrogant warriors thundered like lightening. isr
DV bwhW gMnly Pul jyhy bwVI [ isr, DV Aqy bwhW dy toty lhU iB`jy ieauN pRqIq
huMdy hn ijvyN PulvwVI ivc lwl Pu`l iKVy hox [ The bloody pieces of
heads, torsos and arms look like bloomed red flowers in a garden. jwpy
k`ty bwFIAW ruK cMdn AwrI [ AQvw, lwl cMdn dy ibrC AwrI nwl qRKwxw ny k`ty
hn [ As if, red sandalwood trees have been cut up with saws by carpenters.
49. pauVI ] duhW kMDwrW muih juVy jW
s`t peI Krvwr kau [ jd DONsy (Krvwr) qy cob peI, qd dohW POjW dw ByV hoieAw
[ When the drums sounded, both armies engrossed in battle. qik
qik kYbr durgSwh qik mwry Bly juJwr kau [ mhwrwxI durgw ny inSWnw bHMn ky vfy
vfy sUrimAW nUM qk qk ky qIr mwry [ Empress Durga took aim and targetted
her arrows at selected warriors. pYdl mwry
hwQIAW sMig rQ igry Asvwr kau [ pYdl ispwhI mwry, hwQIAW nUM mwirAw nwl hI
rQ Aqy AsvwrW nUM fyg idqw [ (Durga killed) foot soldiers and elephants,
and brought down the chariots and the riders. sohn
sMjw bwgVW jxu l`gy Pu`l Anwr kau [ sMjoAW nUM ivMnHky qIrW dIAW bwgVW (qIr
dw ipClw ih`sw-ijhVw Pu`l vWg huMdw hY) ieauN SoB rhIAW hn, mwno Anwr nUM Pu`l
l`gy hn [ The feathers on the shafts of the arrows, which have pierced
the chain-armours, look like flowered pomegranate plants. gu`sy
AweI kwilkw h`Q s`jy lY qlvwr kau [ kwilkw s`jy h`Q ivc qlvwr pkV kRoD ivc
Aw geI [ Kalika in a rage wielded her sword in her right hand. eydU
pwrau Eq pwr hirnwks keI hjwr kau [ jMg dy iek pwsy qoN dUsry pwsy qk hrnwkS
vrgy hzwrW dYNqW dw nwS kr idqw [ From one end to the other end of the
field, thousands of demons similar to Harnakash were destroyed. ijix
ie`kw rhI kMDwr kau [ dYNqW dI ieqnI vfI POj nUM iek-iek`lI (dyvI) ijq rhI
hY [ She alone was over-powering the entire demon army. sd
rhmq qyry vwr kau ! qyry ieMj vwr krn qy sd (sYkVy) SwbwS hn [ Your
excellence in delivering strokes is thousand times over commendable. 50.
pauVI ] duhW kMDwrW muih juVy s`t peI jmDwx kau [ dohW POjW dw ByV hoieAw
jd juVq ngwirAW qy cob l`gI [ Both the armies clashed as the double
kettledrums sounded. qd iKMg nsuMB ncwieAw
fwil au`pir brgsqwx kau [ aus vyly insuMB ny kvc pihn ky nukrw GoVw (GoVy dw
kvc=brgsqwx) kudwieAw [ Then Nishumbh put mail armour on his steed and
pranced in the field. PVI iblMd mMgwieaus
Purmwieis kir mulqwn kau [ qd ausny iek vfw DnuS mMgvwieAw jo PrmwieS krky
mulqwn qoN bxvwieAw sI [ He called for his large bow, which was especially
requested and made in Multan. gusy AweI
swmxy rix AMdir G`qx Gwx kau [ ieh dyK dyvI gusy ivc Br ky inSuMB dy swhmxy
Gmswn dw Xu`D mcwaux leI AweI [ Seeing this, the infuriated Durga confronted
Nishumbh for a fierce battle. A`gy qyg
vgweI durgSwh biF suMBn bhI plwx kau [ inSuMB dy vwr krn qoN pihlW hI mhwrwxI
durgw ny qlvwr clw idqI, jo inSuMB nUM vFky kwTI ivc jw v`jI [ Before
Nishumbh could strike, Empress Durga swung her sword, which cut through Nishumbh
and reached the saddle of his horse. rVkI
jwiekY Drq kau b`iF pwKr biF ikkwx kau [ Aqy GoVy dy kvc (pRKr) Aqy GoVy (ikkwx)
nUM vFky zmIn qy jw rVkI [ (The sword) cut through the mail-armour (of
horse), slayed the horse into two and hit the ground. bIr
plwxo if`igAw kir isjdw suMB sujwx kau [ inSuMB, vIr SuMB nUM isjdw krdw hoieAw
kwTI qoN hyT if`gw [ Nishumbh, falling from his saddle, bowed to his
brother Shumbh. SwbwS sloxy Kwn kau [ (inSuMB
dI ies hwlq pur SuMB bol auiTAw:-) qyry SwbwS hY (sloxy) suMdr Kwn(srdwr=sYnwpqI)
SwbwS ! At the plight of Nishumbh, Shumbh remarked:- "Bravo!, wonderful
General, Bravo!." sdw SwbwS qyry qwx
kau ! qyrI qwkq qy SwbwS ! Praise is to your strength. qwrIPW
pwn cbwn kau ! qyry pwn c`bx dIAW vwh qrIPW [ Acclaim to the manner
you chew betel leaves. sd rhmq kYPw Kwn
kau ! SwbwS qyry srwb pIx dy [ Bravo! (Hail) to your drinking (intoxicating). sd
rhmq qury ncwx kau [ vwh vwh qyry GoVy kudwaux dy [ Commendation
on (the mastery of) your horse pranceing. 51.
pauVI ] durgw AqY dwnvI gh sMGir k`Qy [ dyvI Aqy dwnv sMGrgwh (Xu`D BUmI)
ivc bol (grj) auTy [ Durga and the demons thundered in the battlefield. ErV
auTy sUrmy Aw fwhy m`Qy [ aumfky sUrimAw ny m`Qy Aw fwhy [ The warriors
vehemently came to face each other. k`t
quPMgIN kYbrIN dlu gwih ink`Qy [ qIrW bMdUkW nwl k`tdy vFdy POjI gWhdy iPrdy
hn [ The warriors are killing, using arrows and guns, and roving the
battlefield. dyKin jMg Prysqy Asmwno l`Qy
[ AkwS qoN auqrky PirSqy jMg vyK rhy hn [ Angels from the heavens
have descended (on earth) to watch this battle. 52.
pauVI ] duhW kMDwrW muh juVy dl Gury ngwry [ dohW POjW dw mUMh ByV hoieAw,
ngwry v`jx l`gy [ The drums started beating and both armies' face each
other for the fracas. EriV Awey sUrmy srdwr
rixAwry [ jMgwvr srdwr sUrmy lVweI leI aulr pey [ The brave warrior
generals jumped into battle. LykY qygW
brCIAW hiQAwr auBwry [ qlvwrW, brCIAW lY ky mwrn leI Awpxy hiQAwr auBwry [ They
raised their swords and spears to strike. top
ptylw pwKrW gil sMj svwry [ isr qy lohy dy top, mUMh qy lohy dI jwlI, GoiVAW
qy lohy dy jwl, Aqy Awpxy ijsm qy sMjoey sjwey [ They wore armours,
helmets, face protector mail-chains, and covered their horses with mail-chains. lYkY
brCI durgSwh bhu dwnv mwry [ mhwrwxI durgw ny brCI lY ky bhuq dYNq mwry [ Empress
Durga killed many demons with her spear. cVy
rQIN gj GoiVeIN mwir Buie qy fwry [ rQW qy hwQIAW GoiVAW qy cVHy hoey svwrW
nUM mwr mwr ky DrqI aupr fyg idqw [ The riders of chariots, elephants
and horses were beaten severely and thrown on the ground. jwxu
hlvweI sIK nwl ivinH vVy auqwry [ brCI nwl ivMnyH hoey sUrmy ieMj jwpdy sn,
ijvyN hlvweI ny sIK nwl vVy ivnHy hox [ The warriors, pierced with the
spear appeared like the 'pakoras' skewered by a confectioner. 53.
pauVI ] duhW kMDwrW muih juVy nwl DausW BwrI [ dohW POjW dw twkrw hoieAw
jdoN BwrI DONsw vijAw [ Both armies confronted each other when heavy
drums sounded. leI BgauqI durgSwh vrjwgin
BwrI [ mhwrwxI durgw ny pRjvlq (A`g vWg dg dg krdI) qlvwr h`Q ivc leI [ Empress
Durga held her fiery sword in her hand. lweI
rwjy suMB no rq pIAY ipAwrI [ lhU ipAwsI qlvwr rwjy SuMB qy clweI [ (She)
Struck the bloodthirsty sword at King Shumbh. suMB
plwxo if`igAw, aupmW bIcwrI [ rwjw SuMB kwTI qoN if`gw, aus (qlvwr) leI aupmW
ieh ivcwrI hY [ King Shumbh was thrown from his saddle. This (sword)
is worthy of praise. fu`b rqU nwlhu in`klI
brCI doDwrI [ jo doDwrI brCI lhU nwl ilbVI ausdy ijsm ivcoN bwhr inklI [ The
double-edged spear was drenched in blood, when pulled out from his body. jwxu
rjwdI auqrI pYinH sUhI swVI [ ieMJ pRqIq huMdw sI ik ijvyN koeI rwjkumwrI sUhI
(lwl) rMg dI swVIH pihn ky auqrI hY [ (Which) Looked like some princess
appearing in a red saree. 54. pauVI ] durgw
Aqy dwnvI ByV pieAw sbwhIN [ durgw Aqy srb (sbwh) dwnvW dw ByV micAw [ Durga
and all the demons started the battle. ssqR
pjUqy durgSwh gh sBnI bwhIN [ mhwrwxI durgw ny swrIAW bwhW ivc SsqR PVky aunHW
dw pRXog kIqw [ The Empress Durga held weapons in all her hands and
started using them. suMB insuMB sMGwirAw
vQ jyhy swhIN [ SuMB Aqy inSuMB dw ivnwS kIqw, jo rwkSW dI pUMjI rUp sn [ Shumbh
and Nishumbh, the esteem of the demons, were destroyed PaujW
rwKisAwrIAW dyiK rovin DwhIN [ rwKSW dIAW POjW DwhW mwrky roNdIAW hn [ The
demon army, seeing this, wailed and cried. muih
kVUcy Gwh dy Cif GoVy rwhIN [ Awpxy mUMhI Gwh dy kUcy dy ky Aqy rwh ivc hI
GoVy C`fky n`T auTy [ With tufts of grass in their mouths, they fled,
even leaving their horses behind. Bjdy
hoey mwrIAn muiV Jwkn nwhIN [ rwhW ivc Bjdy hoey rwKS, quAwkub (ipCy rihNMdy
hoey) krky mwry jWdy hn, pr muVky ip`Cy nhIN dyKdy [ The fleeing demons
were also slayed, but they never dared look back. 55.
pauVI ] suMB insuMB pTwieAw jm dy Dwm no [ (durgw ny) SuMB Aqy inSuMB nUUM
Xmlok phMucw idqw [ Durga despatched Shumbh and Nishumbh to (Yam Lok)
Hades land (hell). ieMdR s`d bulwieAw rwj-AiBKyK
no [ (duurgw) ny ieMdR nUM rwj iqlk leI s`dw ByijAw [ Indra was called
for his coronation. isr pr CqR iPrwieAw
rwjy ieMdR dY [ rwjy ieMdr dy isr qy rwj dw Cqr JulwieAw [ The royal
umbrella was swayed on Lord Indra's head. cayudh
lokW CwieAw jsu jgmwq dw [ cOdW lokW ivc jgq mwqw dw j`s PYl igAw [ The
praise of the 'Universal Mother' spread in the fourteen realms. durgw
pwT bxwieAw sBy pauVIAW [ durgw dw swrw pwT (durgw spqSqI) - pauVI CMdW ivc
bxwieAw hY [ The Durga narration (Durga Saptashti) has been composed
in stanzas. Pyir n jUnI AwieAw ijin iehu
gwieAw [ ijs ny ieh pwT gwieAw hY, auh Pyr jnmW ivc nhIN AwauNdw, Bwv mukq
ho jWdw hY [ (gurU jI dw kQn ieh sMkyq krdw hY ik jo koeI durgw dw pwT pVHygw,
aus nUM iek qy durgw swjx vwlI SkqI dI Xwd Aw jwvygI qy dUjy auh vI durgw dI vIrqw
qoN auqSwh lY ky zulm dw twkrw kridAW vIrgqI nUM pRwpq ho jwvygw, ieMj aus dw
Awvwgvn kitAw jwvygw [) Whosoever sings these praises, will never be
reborn - e.g. he will achieve salvation. (Guru Ji 's saying signifies that whosoever
reads this regularly, will remember the supreme power that created Durga, and
will derive encouragement from the audacity of Durga, enabling the will to fight
against evil, and hence on death, will achieve salvation.) swrWS: cMfI
dI vwr ivc durgw ny sRI BgauqI jI dI shwieqw nwl vfy vfy auhnW dYNqW dw sMGwr
kIqw jo dyviqAW nUM duK phuMcw rhy sn [ ivcwr krky vyiKAw jwvy qW iehnW dYNqW
dy nwvW dw sMkyqk mh`qv hor vI aujwgr ho jWdw hY [ ieh jo iqMnW dYNqW dy nwm hn,
rkq bIj, DUmr locn Aqy mihKwsur [ rkqbIj iek AYsw dYNq sI ijs dI lhU dI iek iek
bUMd ivcoN hor AnykW hI rkqbIj vrgy dYNq pYdw huMdy sn [ ieh gux kwmdyv dw hY,
ijs dy ibMd ibMd ivcoN nvyN jIv pYdw ho jWdy hn [ ies leI rkq bIj kwmdyv dw pRqIk
hY, jo kwm swfy hI AMdr aUDm mcw irhw hY, Aqy cYn nhIN lYx idMdw [ DUmr locn auh
dYNq sI ijs dIAW A`KW ivcoN DUAW AQvw A`g inkldI sI [ ieh lkSx kRoD dy hn, jo
kRoD swfIAW A`KW ivcoN A`g bxky idKweI idMdw hY [ mihKwsur dYNq auh Joty dw mwinMd
hY ijsnUM AsIN AigAwnqw dy nwl nwl hMkwr vI AwKdy hW ijs nwl swfw srIr BirAw ipAw
hY Aqy AsIN iesy hI haumY ivc hrl hrl krdy iPrdy hW [ ies qrWH ieh iqMny dYNq
mnuKI Awcrn dy iqMn vfy AauguxW dy lKwiek hn [ iehnW iqnW duSmnw kwm, kRoD Aqy
AhMkwr dw nws krn leI mwqw sRI BgOqI jI dI shwieqw mMg ky Ardws nUM iek audwq
nYiqk sqr qy sQwipq krnw hY, Aqy "vwr sRI BgauqI kI" jW "cMfI dI
vwr" pVHky ienHW Aaugxw qoN Cutkwrw pwauxw hY [ CONCLUSION: In
'Chandi-di-Var', the deity 'Durga', assisted with the divine power bestowed on
her by the eternal 'Bhagauti', destroyed the demons that were terrorising the
gods. After careful consideration the significance of their names becomes more
apparent. These three demon names are Rakat Beej, Dhoomer Lochan and Mehkhasur.
Rakat Beej was the demon from whose blood drops more similar demons erupted out.
These qualities are attributed to 'Kaam' i.e. sex, where all the time new drops
keep generating. So this Rakat Beej is the symbol of sex, which creates havoc
in our bodies. Dhoomer Lochan was the demon whose eyes were always ejecting fire
and smoke. This symbolises anger, which can be perceived like fire in our eyes.
The name Mehkhasur means 'like bull', which symbolises the ego and ignorance that
is inside us all and with which we, like a bull, are obstinate and arrogant. As
such these three names are the symbols of the three vices that are projected in
humans. To vanquish these three mortal enemies lust, anger and ego, the help of
mother Bhagauti is beseeched in the supplication and the reciting of "Vaar
Bhagauti ki" or "Chandi-di-Vaar" to sublime moral ethics.