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< AnMdpur dy ikly ivcoN sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI mhwrwj mjbUrn Awpxy is`Kw dy kihx qy inkly, ijhVy ik AOrMgzyb Aqy phwVI rwijAW dIAW JUTIAW ksmW nUM s`cIAW mMn bYTy sn [ srsw ndI pwr kridAW gurU jI dw bhuq nukswn hoieAw [ bhu-m`ulw Kzwnw, ijs ivc durl`b h`Q ilKqW, Awrt dw Kzwnw ijs ivc icqRkwrI, sMgqrwSI Aqy Ssqr Awid sn swry srsw ndI dI god ivc hmySW leI smw gey Aqy gurU jI dw pRym Aqy SOk nwl iek`qR kIqw hoieAw ieh ivrsw hmySW leI pMQ qoN vWiJAW ho igAw [ bVI muSikl dy nwl cwlI Bu`Ky tu`ty is`KW smyq do sihbzwidAW Aqy cwr ipAwirAW dy Agly idn qrkwlW vyly cmkOr phuMcy [ cmkOr dI jMg qoN vI sB jwxU hn ik iks qrWH cwlI is`KW ny l`KW dw mukwiblw AYsI dlyrI Aqy bhwdurI nwl kIqw ijsdI imswl imlxI muSikl hI nhIN blky nwmumikn hY [ dono hI swihbzwidAW dI Shwdq ho jwx qoN bwHd rihMdy is`KW ny gl ivc p`lw pwky gurU jI A`gy bynqI kIqI , "hy, POjW vwly ipqw jI, AsIN quhwfy crnW ivc iek bynqI krnW cwhuMdy hW [ hux swnUM duSmx dI nIXq dw pqw lg igAw hY [ AsW AnMdpur swihb ivKy quhwfI rwey auqy nw cl ky ZlqI kIqI sI [ duSmx dw mnorQ quhwfI piv`qR hsqI nUM qbwh krnw Xw kwbU krnw hY, so swfI Pqh iesy ivc hI hY ik AsIN duSmx dI ies BYVI ie`Cw nUM pUrw nw hox dyeIey [ qusIN Kwlsw nUM swjx vwly ho, jy qusIN jIauNdy rhy qW swfy vrgy sYNkVy qy hzwrW is`K Pyr bxw skogy pr Kwlsw Ajy k`cI pnIrI vWg hY Aqy ies nUM quhwfI rKSw dI loV hY [ ies leI AsIN sinmr bynqI krdy hW ik rwq pYNidAW hI ies ikly (gVIH) nUM C`f dyvo, AsIN svyr qk ho sikAw ikly dI rkSw krdy hoey qy AwKr qk lVdy hoey ShIdIAW pw jwvWgy[” is`KW dI g`l sux ky gurU jI kuJ dyr leI qW cup kr gey, iPr DIrj nwl boly, “cMgw jy Kwlsy dw ieho hI PYslw hY qW ievyN hI shI [ pr mYN jdoN inklWgw qW duSmx nUM vMgwrky Aqy icqwvnI dy ky inklWgw [” gurU jI iqMnW is`KW nUM nwl lYky, ijnWH ivcoN kyvl BweI dieAw isMG jI pMjW ipAwirAW ivcoN bwkI sn, ikly qoN bwhr inkly, Aqy bulMd Avwz ivc ieh nwhrw lwieAw “pIry ihMd mIrvd !” Aqy iqMn vwr qwVI bjw ky, duSmx dIAW A`Kw ivc G`tw pw ky inkl gey [ gurU jI mwCIvwVy phuMcy Aqy ieQy hI BweI jI Aqy is`K vI guru jI dI crnw ivc Aw imly [ ieQy hI gurU jI dy purwxy murIdW nbI Kwn Aqy ZnI Kwn nwl gurU jI dw myl hoieAw [ ieQy guru jI ny iek Kq AorMgzyb dy nwm iliKAw Aqy ienHW donW pTwx BrwvW nUM BweI dieAw isMG dI ies ic`TI nUM AorMgzyb qk phuMcwaux dI shwieqw krn leI qweId kIqI [ieh Kq mMnU mwjrw dy vsnIk s`Xd hsn AlI nUM dy idqw igAw, qW ik ieh Kq BweI swihb nUM audoN idqw jwvy jdoN BweI jI Aqy swQI gnI Kwn Aqy nbI Kwn Kqry qoN bwhr ho jwx [ Pqhnwmy nUM pVH ky AOrMgzyb ny aunhW nwjwiez hukmW qy hdwieqW auqy pCqwvw prgt kIqw jo ausny srhMd qy lwhOr dy sUibAW Aqy Awpxy bwjguzwr phwVI rwijAW nUM gurU jI qy AnMdpur nUM qbwh krn leI jwrI kIqIAW sn [ so ausny jldI hI hukm jwrI kr idqw ik AgoN qoN gurU jI dy rwh ivc koeI ivGn nw pwieAw jwvy [ Pqh nwmy dy au`qr ivc AorMgzyb ny gurU jI nUM iek ic`TI vI ilKI ijs ivc ausny aunHW Zlq PihmIAW auqy SrimMdgI prgt kIqI jo gurU swihb dy ivru`D ausdy idl ivc pYdw kr idqIAW geIAW sn [ nwly ausny gurU swihb nwl mulwkwq krn dI ie`Cw pRgt kIqI [ AOrMgzyb dw ieh koml jvwb gurU jI nUM kWgV dy mukwm qy imilAw Aqy gurU jI ny pRsMn ho ky AOrMgzyb nUM iek hor ic`TI ilKI jo “zPrnwmy” dy nwm nwl pRis`D hY [ gurU jI dI ies ic`TI “Pqhnwmw” dw QoHVw ijhw ih`sw hI auplbd hoieAw hY jo Asl Aqy pMjwbI qrjmy smyq hyTW idMdy hW [ Fatehnama
While crossing the Sarsa River, unparalleled treasure of manuscripts, art, sculpture, and weapons was lost in the river for ever, and Guru Ji along with forty, hungry and tired men including the two princes and four 'pyaras' reached Chamkaur the next evening. The battle of Chamkaur holds great significance in the Sikh history. The forty Sikhs fought like tigers with thousands of assailants, a feat exceptional in history. Both the princes died a valiant death, and the remaining Sikhs, humbly approached Guru Ji and requested, " O Lord of the army, we are now completely aware of the vile intentions of Aurangzeb and the Warlords and regret that we did not obey your orders in remaining at Anandpur. We are fully convinced now that the enemy wants to destroy you or capture you, and it is in our hands that we do not adhere to their evil intent. You are the creator of the Khalsa Panth and if you stay alive, you will be able to create several Sikhs like us. So we beg of you to abandon this fortress for the betterment of the immature Khalsa. We will try to hold fort for as long as we can." Guru Ji gravely listened to them and replied, "If this is your wish, then I shall obey. But I will not go without warning and challenging the enemy!" Guru Ji, along with three Sikhs, including the only remaining 'pyara' Bhai Daya Singh, escaped from the fortress by clapping three times and with a great challenging shout "Peerey Hind Meerwad" (The King of the Prophets is leaving) and dares anyone to stop him. Guru Ji reached Machhiwara, where later on Bhai Daya Singh Ji and the others joined him. At Machhiwara, Guru Ji met a couple of his disciples, the Pathan brothers Nabi Khan and Ghani Khan. Here Guru Ji wrote a letter to the Emperor Aurangzeb, and asked these two brothers to help Bhai Daya Singh to deliver this letter. This letter was given to Sayyed Hassan Ali of Manu Majra for safe keeping until Bhai Daya Singh and the two Pathan brothers were out of danger. On the way, the chasing army captured Bhai Daya Singh who was in the disguise of the "Peer of Uch". He was released after twenty-four hours following Kazi Inayat Ali of Noorpur and Kazi Peer Mohammed evidently assuring the authorities that he was not Guru Gobind Singh. Sayyed Hassan Ali then returned that letter which is called "Fatehnama" to Bhai Daya Singh, who took it to Aurangzeb at Aurangabad. Guru Ji who clothed himself in the 'Uch-da-Peer' attire took Bhai Daya Singh's place. The 'Fatehnama' was read by Aurangzeb, and he deeply regretted his actions and the unjust orders and counsels which he had given to the Subas of Lahore and Sirhind and the hill Warlords, to destroy Guru Ji and Anandpur. So he immediately ordered that no one should stand in the Guru's way. Aurangzeb stating his remorse at the false information relayed to him, against Guru Ji, wrote a reply to the 'Fatehnama'. He also desired to meet Guru Ji. This letter of Aurangzeb reached Guru Ji at Kangar, and it pleased Guru Ji, who wrote another letter to Aurangzeb which is know as "Zafarnama" (Epistle of Victory). Only a few parts of this letter "Fatehnama" are available, the translation of which is given here under. Pqh nwmh Fatehnama AQ Pqh nwmh bnwmy AorMgzyb SihnSwhy ihMd Az pwqSwhy dhm [Sihnswhy ihMd AOrMgzyb dy nwm Pqh nwmw vloN dsmy pwqSwh [
KudwvMdy qIr E snwno spr [qlvwr qy qbr dy r`b dy nW nwl, jo qIr, nyzy qy FwlW dw mwlk hY [ 2. KudwvMdy mrdwny jMg Awzmw, KudwvMdy Aspwny pw dr hvw [jo sUrmy XoiDAW dw .Kudw hY qy hvw vWg aufx vwly GoiVAW dw mwlk hY [ The one who is the Lord of the warriors and the Lord of the flying steeds.3. humw kU qurw pwdSwhI ibdwd, 4. qurw qurk bwzI bmkro irAw, 5. nw zybd qurw nwm AorMgzyb, 6. nw qsbIhq Az dwnw E irSqw byS, 7. qU .Kwky ipdr rw bikrdwry izSq, 8. vzW .Kwnw ey .Kwm krdI ibnw, 9. mn AknUM bAPjwly purSy Akwl, 10. iz kohy dkn iqSnW-kwm AwmdI, 11. bdIN sU cU AknUM ingwhq dvd, 12. cunW AwqSy zyry nwhlq inhm, 13. ic Sud Zr iSgwly iz mkro irAw, 14. cUM Syry iXAW izMdw mwnd hmI, 15. nw dIgr igrwiem bnwmy Kudwq, 16. bsOgMdy qo eyqbwry n mWd, 17. queI gurgy bwrW kSIdw Agr, 18. Agr bwz guPq E SunIdq bmwsq, 19. bmYdW do lSkr s.P Awrw Svd, 20. imAwnS do PrsMg rw Pwslw [ 21. AzW ps drW Arsw ey kwr zwr, 22. qU Az nwzo inAmq smr Kurdw eI, 23. b mYdW ibAw Kud b qyZ E qbr, Pqhnwmh dy bwkI ih`sy Ajy qIk hnyry dy prdy ipCy luky pey hn [The remaining part of the 'Fatehnama' still remains in obscurity.
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