In the Arts section of Sikh Heritage, we have the pleasure to add to the numerous names of Sikh Artists, the name of Devender Singh - an artist- truly- with a 'Golden Brush'. When I look at his paintings, in him I find the artistry of Sobha Singh and Kirpal Singh and the finesse of Ruben. Some paintings are taken from devender singh's website, with his permission. My sincere thanks to his web master Sumeet Singh. (Kanwal)



Devender Singh, an icon in the field of art was born at Amritsar on 6th November 1947. He received hisformal education at Bombay, Amritsar, Ludhiana & Chandigarh but was initiated into the world of art by his accomplished father. He has participated in
numerous exhibitions & got many a prestigious & reputed awards.

For Devender Singh, painting came as an inheritance from his father Late S.Sewak Singh a commercial artist, but the son turned the art into one of transforming Sikh religious history and in delightful compositions on pastels.

From his house in Sector 38, his Gurus and depictions of episodes have reached many Sikh museums across the country and abroad. Work never eluded Devender ever
since his first collection of paintings on Sikh women was bought by Punjab and Sind Bank for their calendar in 1972.

Devender, a self-made man who thinks that his hobby-turned-profession was like any other job which provides a man with livelihood. His canvases are not in the nature of a `satsang in colour' but carrymeaningful delineation through the countenances of
Gurus, silhoutted women and the elements in sober pastels. The walls of the Sikh museums in Paonta Sahib, Anandpur Sahib and Golden Temple are adorned with Devender's paintings. It did not take much time for the name to reach the NRI Sikhs who flocked him with offers which resulted in his paintings reaching the Sikh shrines and attached museums in Singapore and England.

The BBC, London, too made a documentary film on him.

In fact, it was his series on `Bara Maah', based on compositions on seasons by Guru Nanak in raag Tukhari and Guru Arjun Dev in raag Majh which were made into
calendars by Punjab and Sind Bank and Markfed.

Apart from the Sikh history, he has done innumerable work on Punjab culture, Hindu mythology, modern & abstract art. as well.

His main ambition now is to translate the Banis of the great Gurus into paintings.

We proudly present some paintings from his vast ART Gallery. The reader can access his web site for more paintings.(Kanwal)
We start with the painting of Nirankaari NANAK - the initiator of Sikhism

Guru Nanak with the contemporary 'seli topi'

The initiator of the Khalsa

Guru Amardas with Guru Ramdas and Bibi Bhani Ji with the infant Guru Arjan -'Bani da Bohetha'

A Battle scene

On the battlements of Anandpur

Leading His soldiers to battle

Fighting alongside his beloved Khalsa

Another battle scene

Maharaja Ranjit Singh at the Darbar Sahib

The Leader leading his army to battle

The saving of Bala Rao and Rustam Rao from the Fort of Sitara in Poona. This happened immediately after it was declared that Guru Gobind Singh has died at Nanded.

An excellent abstract painting of Radha and Krishna - simply a masterpiece.